Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime First Impressions

by Chad

13 years, 10 months ago

I just finished playing through the first three levels of Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime on PSN. I really like the way IDW and Atari worked to bring their respective talent together to create a completely new interactive storyline for the Ghostbusters franchise.

So far I love the art and the music is hit or miss – although I do love the nods to the original Ghostbusters score. The gameplay mechanics are very similar to Smash TV, as was expected.

I don't want to say too much until I play some online co-op. Speaking of which, who would be interested in setting up a game on PSN later tonight?

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 10 months ago

Good to hear. I will probably be saddling up myself on XBL later in the week…I hope.

by Swift_Justice

13 years, 10 months ago

Saw you hosting a room tonight Chad while I was looking for the room my friends were in.

I've moved through the first three levels online on the PS3 version. Pretty decent so far for a twin stick shooter. Accuracy seems to be a bit off to me but I've been playing Dead Nation lately, another twin stick shooter which has a line of sight built in.

Playing online wasn't too bad, lag got in the way a few times especially in the room with the second yellow slime monster in the sewers. Lead to quite a few restarts but quite a few laughs too in the room.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 10 months ago

So, question for you guys who have played it offline or on for that matter.

Do you always have 4 people (in that the other 3 are bots a la GB'09) or is it more that there is however many 'busters depending on how many people are playing with you (up to 4)?

by chriz

13 years, 10 months ago

First JamesCGamora to answer your question. It's 4 no matter what I think. I played local co-op 2 player with 2 ai busters. However the Ai is there for a reason. like on the previous game if you get knocked down they revive you ect…

Second I played it today. and here are my pros and cons :

+Simple controls
+ Runs smooth
+ Fun co-op
+ cool powerups e.g invisibilty

- Can't cross the streams ( we tried lol)
- Coimcs while cool I found text hard to read at times.
- Backtracking/repetitive layout : felt like we whent around in circles so either backtracking or repetitive rooms
- too many bad guys it seems less ghostbusters why your just slaughtering waves

All in all just the demo I give a 6 out of 10. Fun and i'll buy it but a lot of things bug me.

by Swift_Justice

13 years, 10 months ago

Don't count on the AI to revive you when you're down. It's pretty dumb quite a bit of the time. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the AI running around in a circle trying to figure out what to do.

by Chad

13 years, 10 months ago

Is anyone interested in a game tonight? I plan to start another co-op session at 1am EST / 12am CST / 10pm PST. My PSN is chadpaulson, be sure to check the PSN and XBL gamertag thread.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 10 months ago

I've played it just in single player through the Subway Smasher. I agree with what's been said before. It's not fantastic, but for 800 ms points, why not? I am looking forward to some local co-op though. That is what I am really looking forward to.

by Popey

13 years, 10 months ago

been playing it for a couple of hours, its not bad, would have been better with the actual guys though, the artwork is nice, but the actual GBs cept egon look dumb…

and for all the achievement whores out there, this ones pretty easy, only had it for a little while, got 3 left, finish the game, watch all comics, and find all hidden items, not gonna take long

The game works alot better with other people, the first time you come up agains the giant yellow slime monster took me a while cause the IA are soooo stupid!!!

by odyn1232

13 years, 10 months ago

Played the demo this morning with my first cup of coffee. Love it and well worth the wait. Don't have live gold, but throwing a big three player binge out with a buddy and my gf. Can't wait:-)