Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime First Impressions

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 10 months ago

Played it for about 1 hour, online co-op… I liked it, long time ago don´t playing this kind of shooters… had some lag, but nothing to affect the gameplay… but it seems I´ll get boring soon. Don´t see too much playability on it.

by ghost_buster_x

13 years, 10 months ago

after playing the trial i have come to the conclusion that i hate it.
it feels like a generic shooter with a ghostbusters theme tacked on
but that's just my opinion.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 10 months ago

Played the Demo last night before I went to bed and this morning after I grabbed something to eat. My problems with it, so far are few, and mostly revolve around my own crappiness at playing these types of games.

Most of the problems I have with the game stem from the comic book cut scenes (like mentioned before, the text being too small and hard to read) and the dialogue of the busters themselves in the game itself passing by to quickly in pop-up windows.

I will have to play more to get a more solid opinion.

by robbritton

13 years, 10 months ago

So I got home from work last night, to find that my girlfriend had declared it Ghostbusters day! There was pizza:


And even my son had got in on the act:

So bless her, as that gave it a sense of occasion!

As for the game itself - it's alright, innit? Not big on the comic art and it's a little repetitive, but for 800pts it's a solid bit of Ghostbusters fun. I love the Ecto-4WD levels, as the crowded streets have a sense of metropolis sadly missing in Ghostbusters TVG.

So yeah - I reckon it's worth a punt, but I'd also recommend uploading the soundtrack albums to play in the background, as it really ups the atmos and stops the repetition driving you bonkers!

by LawgSkrak

13 years, 10 months ago

Um yeah, can't read the comics. Words are too small. Lame. And it's not like my TV is tiny.

Of course, I've only tried the demo. Can you adjust the size on the full version?

by SockableClaw

13 years, 10 months ago

I tried out the demo, and honestly I was bored to tears by it. Please don't shoot me lol.

I think I'll just stick with the Ghostbusters game from 2009.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 10 months ago

Well, last night I played it again… enjoyed it even more… though there are some glitches that affects the online gaming (online one character suddenly got down, like he was stunned by a ghost, but impossible to heal him up, we had to restart the game), and some lag.
The solo campaign it´s good, at least there´s no lag.

Most of the problems I have with the game stem from the comic book cut scenes (like mentioned before, the text being too small and hard to read) …

Agreed, even in a 42" LCD screen you have to put so much attention to catch the whole dialogs.

by KansasCityGB

13 years, 10 months ago

i've been stuck in the sewer level for 45min trying to beat 1 ghost. this game is terrible.

by bigtonay

13 years, 10 months ago

i gave up after the same yellow guy. the ai is just plain dumb. if you get injured they either walk straight into the guy or spin in circles. If there was an achievement for dying 100 times at that time i wouldve got it last night. it was enough for me to turn off the whole thing. ill try again with other people.
but fun none the less.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 10 months ago

My only suggestion for the yellow slime monster in the sewer is to take out all the blue things first. They will stop respawning, leaving just the yellow guy to deal with. After I have no idea how many tries, that's how I finally got past it in single-player.