1. Moderators
a) Moderators are here to help the Community disscuss and grow.
b) If you feel a Moderator is abusing power, please do not post about it. PM the other Moderators and the Administrator(s).
c) Moderators are expected to respect members and vice versa.
2. Language
a) Language used in the movie is ok when used in a Conservative Manner.
b) Excessive use of foul language is not ok.
c) Foul language directed at another member, with intent to hurt the other member is not ok.
d) Racial Slurrs, and other words that refer to one's race in a negative way are not allowed.
e) Words that refer to a person's sexual organs in an inappropriate manner are not allowed.
3. Conduct
A. Users are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
a) Attacks on other users will not be tolerated.
b) Posts that consist of ALL CAPS, will be deleted.
c) Members who attempt to cause trouble for attention will not be allowed.
d) Spamming, or flooding the board with pointless topics will not be allowed.
e) Flame Wars will not be allowed. Healthy Debates are ok, but if it is to the point where you are calling each other ignorant, it is no longer a Debate.
f) Critisim is welcome, however it must be presented in a constructive manner.
4. Posting
a) A post should never consist of just a smiley, or LOL.
b) If you do not have valuable input, please do not post just to increase your post count.
c) Posts meant to cause trouble will not be tolerated.
d) Excessively Reoccuring topics will be locked and referenced back to the original.
e) No one is perfect all the time. If someone makes a mistake, do not reply and verbally insult them.
f) Posts should stay on topic. However, a post may wander off track abit and find it's way home. Just make sure you do not just go completely off topic. IE: A thread about Slimer talks about Green Peas…
g) Posts that contain Adult Content are suspect to being deleted. Please use Common sense.
5. Banning
A. Communicating with others is a privelage.
a) A user may be banned for constant violation of the rules, after ignoring constant warnings.
b) If a users has been warned by a Mod, within a set peroid of time, 3 times or more, that user should be suspended.
c) Suspended members get one last chance at retribution. If they continue to misbehave after a Suspension peroid is up, they should be banned.
d) Users coming here only to spam/attack the Community should be banned.
e) If the Members feel that a user has been banned wrongly, a vote should be held in the misc forum deciding their fate.
f) The Community Vote is final, no other chances will be allowed unless the Community decides differently.
6. Politics
a) Online Politics are not allowed. Some issues however are allowed, but belong in the Board Talk forum. If you feel your issue does not belong there, then it is most likely not allowed.
7. Freedom of Speech
a) As in the United States Freedom of Speech is allowed.
- However even in the US, that freedom is limited. You cannot violate the rules of the Board. You cannot insult others.
Other Points of Interest
- To use the ASAP Prop Forums you must register at http://www.ezboard.com
- The Comic Book forum is for discussing the 88mph Comic, not the RGB NOW Comics.
Thank you,
Ghostbusters Gurus