Ghostbusters Sequel Coming in Video Game Form

by ghostbusterben

17 years, 3 months ago


“The long-fabled third entry in the Ghostbusters franchise will be arriving in the form of a video game for PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii.
Writing duties for the title are being handled by Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, and Bill Murray. All three starred in the first two films, which were written by Ramis and Aykroyd. The trio will also lend their voices to the game, which is currently being developed by an unknown studio. The project was unveiled through Game Informer's teasings of its next issue.

Many consider Slovenia-based developer ZootFly a likely candidate for the game's developer. Earlier this year, the company leaked a number of prototype movies from an unlicensed Ghostbusters game that was in the works for Xbox 360.

However, ZootFly confirmed that it was no longer developing the Ghostbusters game in a recent interview with Gamer.TM, as another company purchased the license from Sony. That other company is said to be Universal, a tidbit Aykroyd accidentally revealed while talking to the Edmonton Sun. ”

Possible or not? What do you think?

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

old news fella, though that game informer issue is news to me. OMG what a great birthday present to me from game informer!

by Jigen

17 years, 3 months ago

by ghostbusterben

17 years, 3 months ago

No, this is'nt the ZootFly one. That or I really need to come her emore often, havn't been online in over a year.

EDIT: Assassin's Creed is out? Whoa.

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

No, this is'nt the ZootFly one. That or I really need to come her emore often, havn't been online in over a year.

EDIT: Assassin's Creed is out? Whoa.

That's correct. It's the Vivendi game Aykroyd let slip earlier this year and Ernie confirmed last month.

ZootFly, as one of the articles linked on Proton Charging mentions were priced out of developing the game.

by cowboyspike1

17 years, 3 months ago

I should be getting my new GI VERY soon so if nobody else gets it yet, I'll keep you all informed.

P.S. I'm very happy yet also worried about this. I'm happy that this game isn't based off those tech demos we saw many moons but since this game is coming out for ALL platforms, sacrifices will be made and most likely the resources won't be devoted to the PS3/360 versions (sorry it's the truth, just look at past multiplatform games).

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Assassin's Creed is out? Whoa.

Yep and the quality of the game varies depending on who you ask. For example. IGN gave it a 7.7 and said it was one of the most disappointing games. Gamespot gave it a 9.0 and the Editor's Choice.

but since this game is coming out for ALL platforms, sacrifices will be made and most likely the resources won't be devoted to the PS3/360 versions (sorry it's the truth, just look at past multiplatform games).

Yeah, that's always a worry. Maybe if they have different developers for the systems like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for example. The PS3/360 versions are being developed in-house by LucasArts. The PS2, Wii and PSP versions are being developed by Khrome Studios and the Nintendo DS version is being developed by N-Space. Of course, that's really just so they can get the versions out at the same time. Really it's basically just the 360/PS3 versions being the real versions and the other versions getting other exclusives because they just won't have the groundbreaking technology the PS3/360 versions are using.

I'll worry about the quality of the game in time, but as of now, I'm doing a happy dance anyways. How can one not be with these announcements. Especially anytime you hear Bill Murray and another Ghostbusters project in the same sentence.

by ghostbusterraystantz

17 years, 3 months ago

Lets not forget that ernie hudson will also be in the game so there WILL be a winston character, FINALLY!!!

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

That is one thing that irks me once again… I know they are the original 3, but couldn't they have at least mentioned Ernie Hudson even in the announcement?

by castewar1

17 years, 3 months ago

Hudson has been confirmed.

The Game Informer thing isn't an announcement of who's in it, it's an announcement of their article. And so they were slackers and did the one thing everybody does, and only mention the first three GBs.