Ghostbusters Sequel Coming in Video Game Form

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

finally, a new ghostbuster game. once it comes out, i can die happily. that is, after i play it and beat it.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

The Game Informer thing isn't an announcement of who's in it, it's an announcement of their article. And so they were slackers and did the one thing everybody does, and only mention the first three GBs.

Yeah that's my point. I know he's doing the game, I'm just tired of the articles never mentioning him with the others.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

Sorry to hear that its rumoured that Rick Moranis and Sigourney Weaver have passed on the project, but I tell yeah, its so great having William Atherton back as well as Annie Potts and Brian Doyle Murray. Heh, I love it.

Heh, plus it looks like I “called it” (not really just gave an example of it) on different developers for certain consoles.

by wildcat

17 years, 3 months ago

Saw this news on Gamespot.

Im really excited for it….its kinda cool how the game will serve as GB3…but it also kinda seems like a gimmick to get out of making the movie…I mean if Bill Murray is willing to be part of it,why not just go ahead with an actual movie?

Anyway…sounds great!

by Only_Zuul

17 years, 3 months ago

this is just a idea so none of you get your hopes but, but is it possiable they are making this game to see if the franchise is still “Sellable?” what I mean is, if this sells they know they wouldnt lose money on a new GB's movie. Just a thought. (p.s. I am sooo looking forward to this game :-))

by fixer791

17 years, 3 months ago

Hey, have ya guys seen that Stay Puft screenshot?
Looks great, doesn't it?

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

it's now my background on my cell phone as well as my work computer.

by wildcat

17 years, 3 months ago

this is just a idea so none of you get your hopes but, but is it possiable they are making this game to see if the franchise is still “Sellable?” what I mean is, if this sells they know they wouldnt lose money on a new GB's movie. Just a thought. (p.s. I am sooo looking forward to this game :-))

Makes sense…even if thats true,it will still be GB3,so if they did make a movie afterwards it would have to be GB4 and have to take place after the events in this new game….which is fine with me,the more GB stuff the better.

What Im wondering is…..since the game will be GB3,will the story and gameplay be based on “Ghostbusters in Hell”?

Judging from that new Stay Puft screenshot,it doesnt seem so…but I could be wrong,if its Hell…then all thier past enemies are probly there.

by Kalonthar

17 years, 3 months ago

then all thier past enemies are probly there.

That'd be cool if that were the case if it were based on that script and if not, bonus levels from the first 2 movies sure would. Hopefully since we've seen some familiar locations from the first movie, we'll get some screens from familiar GB2 locations.

by batman2

17 years, 3 months ago

Vivendi Games is pacting with Sony Pictures to turn “Ghostbusters” into a videogame franchise.
First title in what the publisher hopes will be a series of “Ghostbusters” games is set for release in fall ‘08 from Vivendi’s Sierra label.

All four members of the movie team – Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Bill Murray and Harold Ramis – will be giving voice and likeness rights for the game. Some supporting castmembers have signed up as well, including William Atherton, Brian Doyle Murray and Annie Potts.

In addition, film scribes Aykroyd and Ramis will pen a story for the vidgame that takes place in the early '90s, after “Ghostbusters II,” during a new ghoul invasion of New York City.

Developer Terminal Reality is making a “Ghostbusters” game for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 aimed primarily at the core gamer demographic, while Red Fly Studio is making a version for Playstation 2, Wii and DS designed more for families and casual gamers.

Some Screens for you all.