Ghostbusters Sequel Coming in Video Game Form

by wildcat

17 years, 3 months ago

Ok something that bothers me about all this is that they wanna make it GB3.

At first I thought that was pretty cool…but after reading the whole “Game Infomer” article,its not really GB3…Dan and the creators of the game say,this is as close as we will get to a GB3 because of the new storyine being writen by Dan and Harold.

It even says Dan tells people that if you want a GB3,you could think of this game as GB3 since theres no new movie.

But we all know this isnt really what they had in mind for “Ghostbusters 3”…its just that since the game came about,a new storyline was invented.Had the game never even been mentioned we would still have nothing new from Ghostbusters.

Also,Bill Murrary is gonna be part of it…that in itself is a big deal…so since hes willing to be part it why not just make the new movie???

The game is fantastic looking…I have nothing against the game…but why make everything more confusing,in a sense, and try and pass it off as GB3?

Look,all that needs to happen is go ahead with the game as a seprate project(since thats what it really is…this is nothing close to the “Ghostbusters in Hell” plot weve heard)……then afterwards…just make a proper “Ghostbusters 3”….and be done with it,avoiding any kind of confusion or inconsistent storylines.

by DarkfireTaimatsu

17 years, 3 months ago

I agree… Look at this thing. Why can't they just script some of the battles, throw in all the cutscenes, and make THAT the 3rd film?

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Also,Bill Murrary is gonna be part of it…that in itself is a big deal…so since hes willing to be part it why not just make the new movie???

Well, he's going to get paid just to read lines for a bunch of recording sessions, he doesn't have to do anything physical beyond that. This way he doesn't have to put on a hot costume and a heavy prop, get covered in fake slime, go through many tedious reshoots and work long into the night.

I hate to say it but I can sure see the appeal of reprising Dr. Peter Venkman for a game over reprising the role for a third movie. Doing a game is easier for him.

The game is fantastic looking…I have nothing against the game…but why make everything more confusing,in a sense, and try and pass it off as GB3?

Confusing? (*peter) If anything it makes things easier, they don't have to worry about being able to do their own stunts or being too old to make it seem believable. There isn't really a budget for special effects to speak of, Dan can write stuff safe in the knowledge that most if it can be done without a problem if it makes it to the final draft of the script.

There's no requirements for shooting hectic shedules between New York and L.A., no money spent on film permits, no backing up traffic in Manhattan and shooting through all hours of the day.

A game really, is a lot more convenient for them to do then a third movie… unfortunately.

With a third film almost likely never going to happen, there can't then be any plot confusion as most people on the street don't know the ‘Ghostbusters in Hell’ plot idea.

by wildcat

17 years, 3 months ago

Also,Bill Murrary is gonna be part of it…that in itself is a big deal…so since hes willing to be part it why not just make the new movie???

Well, he's going to get paid just to read lines for a bunch of recording sessions, he doesn't have to do anything physical beyond that. This way he doesn't have to put on a hot costume and a heavy prop, get covered in fake slime, go through many tedious reshoots and work long into the night.

I hate to say it but I can sure see the appeal of reprising Dr. Peter Venkman for a game over reprising the role for a third movie. Doing a game is easier for him.

The game is fantastic looking…I have nothing against the game…but why make everything more confusing,in a sense, and try and pass it off as GB3?

Confusing? (*peter) If anything it makes things easier, they don't have to worry about being able to do their own stunts or being too old to make it seem believable. There isn't really a budget for special effects to speak of, Dan can write stuff safe in the knowledge that most if it can be done without a problem if it makes it to the final draft of the script.

There's no requirements for shooting hectic shedules between New York and L.A., no money spent on film permits, no backing up traffic in Manhattan and shooting through all hours of the day.

A game really, is a lot more convenient for them to do then a third movie… unfortunately.

With a third film almost likely never going to happen, there can't then be any plot confusion as most people on the street don't know the ‘Ghostbusters in Hell’ plot idea.

Your right about all the long hours and physical stuff…I didnt think of that….well I guess thier could still be a proper third movie if it was in CGI like Dan said back in Febuary…no shooting struggles or physical stuff to worry about…just reading lines like for the game.

I dont know exactly what I meant about it being confusing…hard to expalin.

I was trying to say that instead of making the game GB3 they should stick with thier original idea and have the game be its own project…instead of changing things around …it just seems kind like a hassle to me,when they already have some of the “Ghostbusters in Hell” stuff writen….I mean why scrap that and go through the trouble of writing the game so it fits with the first 2 movies?…the game story is new and was never really intended to be GB3.

by Zombie

17 years, 3 months ago

Cool, I see from the pics Batman2 posted Slimer's gonna be in it. But I wonder if it's gonna be as villian or a playable character. It would be fun to play as a ghost, beign able to fly, float through walls and such.

Your questions are answered to a degree in the main game topic, scans of the magazine have been posted so if you don't mind the spoilers, you can find out about what role Slimer plays in the game.

I'm an idiot, can't find it. Can you post a link to this thread?

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Here you go:


by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Honestly? I never liked the Ghostbusters in hell idea.

by Yourbigpalal83

17 years, 3 months ago

i kinda dug the ghostbusters in hell idea. I liked how it was big and epic, great way to end out a trilogy. But hey, acording to Game informer, the game is going to be huge. i mean, you fight the stay puff marshmellow man in an EARLY level, so, my question is, who do u fight in the last level? I doubt there going to play the big boss level that early

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Going to HELL was my problem with it. It seemed a little too big. I would have no problem with them going to another dimension, like that mirror episode of RGB, Peoplebusters (Not that they would have to pick that dimension, using an example….)

But yea, going to hell was a bit too big. It was like Rambo taking on the entire country of China.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 3 months ago

I posted this elsewhere, but is the game a NEW story? The shots, movies etc we have is of GB1, in new video game form. I am ALL for that, but I hope they have a new story in there. I guess why it is a year away I guess? I would love the game to encompass GB1, GB2, and then a new story to wrap it up.