But just like all sacrifices, we can promise everyone that this one will be a huge pay-off. We are focusing all of our free-time on the quality of post-production rather than racing to deliver you what I can guarantee would be a botch job.
We have several videos on their way to wet your appetites before ‘Chronicles’ is released and hundreds of photos! So please, don't mob us yet and try not to lose your faith in us. We really wouldn't be here if it weren't for this incredible franchise and all of the fans that keep it alive! So please don't give up on us and we promise that we won't give up on you guys!
No poster this week. Just three new photos and a first good look at the SLC Ghostbusters doing what they do best…. stalling and hoping that ‘someone else will go first….’
“Hey guys… what are all these people looking at?!?!…”
Behind the Scenes 4
We couldn't be more grateful to our HUGE list of crew and cast members!!!
Screenshot 11
The infamous Legion's Cathedral…. so famous, that it's IN.. famous
All our thanks!
- The SLC Crew