Ghostbusters Stuff for sale.

by rgghost

22 years ago

Heres what i have for sale.
gb wind sock (missing part of one streamer)
gb 2 story book
egons ghost
screaming egon MOC (SOLD)
screaming peter MOC (SOLD)
scirt balls moc (both sets)
Ecto1 (ok shape)
Hic slimer ecto cooler (empty box)
filmation gb viedos (one STILL factory sealed
lots of loose gbs
bootleg gb1,gb2 tapes ,cds
dried up ecto plasm/with bucket it came in.(no ghost)
Filmation Gorilla moc (Spanish card)

IF you see something in the pics,not on my list make me an offer,or trade.

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

do you have any proton packs for the action figures? i just need one and the beam isnt really important. handle would be nice but i can live with out it.

and a plush staypuft. how much if you got one?

by rgghost

22 years ago

Ive got lots of proton packs.but only one stay puft and he not for sale but the protons are.

by d_osborn

22 years ago

how much for the gb2 storybook? condition? up for trades?

by GBFreak

22 years ago

rgghost, how much for the Filmation Ghostbuster Videos?

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

im talkin action figure sized. if you have one for sale how much for it?

by GBFreak

22 years ago

rgghost, I'll just take the two MOC Figures and we'll talk about it via email, thanks.

by GBFreak

22 years ago

I haven't heard back form ya yet abotu that trade, I sent you pics of the guys I have, but if you want, I will come up with the money for the two figs. Thanks again tho.

by ghostfreak

22 years ago

Your signiture says if you don't have it you can find it… well I am looking for the 1:24 scale model of the Ecto-1A made by AMT/ERTL still wrapped in the original selophane (how ever you spell that word! :d ) If happen to have any information on this product feel free to e-mail me or im me. Thanks in advance