Ghostbusters SWAT

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 4 months ago

Title: Ghostbusters: SWAT

Short summary: The Ghosts have gotten stronger, almost immune to the only paranormal defenders the Earth has. Then, in Wisconsin a rookie branch is outfitted with new gear, armor and some gun-ho attitudes. After several weeks of testing out the new equipment The Reasons the ghost have gotten so strong manifest and show themselves, The Horsemen have arrived… Are you ready to believe?

Runtime: Aprox. ~ 40 min (pending script)

Script progress: Just got the story synopsis written down, ( I can't write storys that well)

Technicals Well The camera right now is basically a very old Panasonic PK-750 I can't believe the irony in that. equipment A comupter and a semi good Video editor. Actors Me and A couple of friend, How are you going to convince people to work on it? Talking to them and showing them that teaser trailer, which will be up as soon as I can film it and get it onto the computer.

Capital: How will you finance this movie? I don't know, I hope I can get help like Brax did with ROTGB We really need the money. I am also going to get an after school job for this.

Plans: Theatrical release? TO be shown free of charge at local Perfroming arts center (Pending) Get it on IMDb? HECK YES. Or just show it at a neighborhood BBQ? Yes and Internet release


by 9sam11

17 years, 4 months ago

I sense epic amounts of fail in this sector.

no offense but tbh, i doubt anyone will help you fund this little project, unless by some miracle you manage to make some hell of a trailer. And judging by what you posted, i doubt thats a possibility.

Do you guys even have your own props?

by heslimedme251

17 years, 4 months ago

Best not to post something like this, (especially hinting at money) when it's you're first post. It lacks credibility! I dunno…maybe i'm just being cynical, anyone else have thoughts?

by 9sam11

17 years, 4 months ago

Yea there is a BIG difference between what you are doing , and what braxtan did.

Braxtanfilms where already well established in the GB community when they made ROTGB, and Freddy Vs. Gb was probobly considered the best Gb fan film ever(before Return), so when they decided to make a feature length GB film we obviously had no problem chipping in to make it possible, since they where already well known as being good filmakers. You on the other hand, are a kid with seemingly no money to put towards this film , and a junky camera, who has 1 post and a freewebs forum.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 4 months ago

To be honest, build up your reputation around here (sounds like i'm talking about some kind of rpg) and maybe get a script together and post that! It's the best way to get started with that. It seems you're jumping in the deep end when you've only got a synopsis! I know it seems like this is definetly going to happen in your mind but, you need to plan this and get a script before the idea of filming even enters into it!

by Kingpin

17 years, 4 months ago

Title: Ghostbusters: SWAT

Short summary: The Ghosts have gotten stronger, almost immune to the only paranormal defenders the Earth has. Then, in Wisconsin a rookie branch is outfitted with new gear, armor and some gun-ho attitudes. After several weeks of testing out the new equipment The Reasons the ghost have gotten so strong manifest and show themselves, The Horsemen have arrived… Are you ready to believe?

I think the first main problem is that it sounds like a very ambitious idea, the arrival of the Four Horsemen and presumably a heck of a lot of ghosts… it's not an easy thing to commit yourself to when you haven't got a budget.

As has been suggested, for this project you should get the script written so that thenif people are willing to invest then they can read the script and let you know how they feel on the project.

However it never hurts to establish yourself here on the forum first, do you have any props built? If not, any plans for props if they're custom props?

If this Wisconsin team has a site, or photos, then link to them (I'm glad to see a link to a website).

There's a sort of unwritten policy here not to support the idea of asking for donations, part of it is because there have been some suspected incidents where people were asking for funds and then running off with the money. In addition to this as you're new here and haven't yet posted anything to show your talent it's likely most people won't be willing to donate funds when they have no way of gauging your dedication or skills.

As was mentioned, Hank Braxtan has been around in the community for a number of years and had released Freddy vs Ghostbusters before Return of the Ghostbusters.

We're not trying to come off as killjoys or to spoil your fun, we just want to keep things safe and open for everyone here.

by daftkid909

17 years, 4 months ago

Listen to these people. They are wise.

The ONLY reason I was able to get donations towards FXs for my fan film, “Ghostbusters: Generation”, was because I posted a LOAD of stills along with trailers to show people I meant business. Hank had help on ROTGB because of his resume in conjuction with FvsGB.

Reputation and credibility is the name of the game. I still wish you luck on the project!

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 4 months ago

I agree with all of you and I will post the script(About half of it, so no one can steal it.), when its done. we are the process of writing it, and I can't believe that people would steal in such a way, And I will refund all money received (If any) for the movie, should a falling out etc. occur, I can't blame you for you cynicism. But I take it as constructive Criticism, but as this was basically an ad for it, (Spam, I know) It was just to get the word out and to get it hyped up, I should have updated it, but we now have a website for the movie( ), which is still being worked on….

And In retrospect, This rave against My Project Has given me more drive to prove to you that it will NOT fail and finish the movie.
We hope to start recording this summer,

Thank you,

Jordan Moore

Oh So Evil Productions.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

psstt….you spelled ghostbusters wrong in the topic….

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Hey…good luck and all that. But its best to have the script written before you start asking for money.

Also, I wouldn't worry about anyone “stealing it” as you technically would be stealing already by making a fan film, there is no intellectual property.

Also, you might want to set your goal a bit lower for your first project, FX included. Why not a 10 minute short that takes place in one room and deals with the Ghostbusters. It's an easier goal. Work from there.