Ghostbusters SWAT

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

I can't blame you for you cynicism. But I take it as constructive Criticism

Not so much cynicism as it is common sense. (*winston)

And In retrospect, This rave against My Project Has given me more drive to prove to you that it will NOT fail and finish the movie.
We hope to start recording this summer

Rave? (*peter)

Also, you might want to set your goal a bit lower for your first project, FX included. Why not a 10 minute short that takes place in one room and deals with the Ghostbusters. It's an easier goal. Work from there.

An example of what MuthaPussBucket is talking about can be seen in one of the very first Ghostbusters fan films, Busting Makes me Feel Good. The film was probably between 15-20 minutes long, if that, only had four cast members (only two of them as Ghostbusters) and stayed in one location. However, despite these it turned out nicely and almost surely helped those guys develop their skills for more ambitious projects.

So in never hurts to start small and work your way up.

by heslimedme251

17 years, 3 months ago

Listen to these people. They are wise.

Wait…am I one of these people? I've never been refered to as an example of wisdom! This is being printed and framed! :-)

The ONLY reason I was able to get donations towards FXs for my fan film, “Ghostbusters: Generation”, was because I posted a LOAD of stills along with trailers to show people I meant business.

And even now I still think you're gonna do a runner with the money! :-) I'm just kidding! I'm looking forward to Generation alot.

An example…Busting Makes me Feel Good…was probably between 15-20 minutes long, if that, only had four cast members (only two of them as Ghostbusters) and stayed in one location.

2-3 Minutes to be vaguely precise, but you're right it did turn out nicely!

Good luck with the “SWAT” project, but as others have stated it's probably best to set your aim lower. Start with a small ‘sketch’ type thing and work on from that! Gives you a chance to hone your film-making skills at the same time!

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 3 months ago

Hey…good luck and all that. But its best to have the script written before you start asking for money.
I will be releasing parts of the movies script

Also, I wouldn't worry about anyone “stealing it” as you technically would be stealing already by making a fan film, there is no intellectual property.
Good ponit… >.< Didn't think

Also, you might want to set your goal a bit lower for your first project, FX included. Why not a 10 minute short that takes place in one room and deals with the Ghostbusters. It's an easier goal. Work from there.
Yeah I've been thinking about an idea based on that, simlar to Brax's comic between FVGB and ROTGB but more like a series of mini movies, might hype up the movie and make the plot a lot deeper.

I can't blame you for you cynicism. But I take it as constructive Criticism

Not so much cynicism as it is common sense. (*winston)
Can't I believe what I want to Believe!!!!!!!! lol sorry, but yeah I have to agree that, in hindsight ((all that 20/20 crap)) It was common sense, but from my point of vciew at the time, it was cynicisim (*peter)

And In retrospect, This rave against My Project Has given me more drive to prove to you that it will NOT fail and finish the movie.
We hope to start recording this summer

Rave? (*peter)
I ment it as in a rant, or something lol

Good luck with the “SWAT” project, but as others have stated it's probably best to set your aim lower. Start with a small ‘sketch’ type thing and work on from that! Gives you a chance to hone your film-making skills at the same time!
I am going to start working on an introduction movie series, and we are currently working on a CG trailer, and it should be done in a minimum of 3 months(Should every thing go perfect, and that is the quote the animator gave me.)

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

I wasn't questioning the word, just wondering what you meant with the ‘This rave against My Project’ part.

Don't feel pressured to set yourself a deadline, you don't work for us so you shouldn't have to answer to us. If you can get a trailer done in three months, then great. But don't forget you can take your time to work on it… and not forget that unwritten rule, that no matter how simple something looks, double the amount of time you think you'll have to work on it. :p

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 3 months ago

I wasn't questioning the word, just wondering what you meant with the ‘This rave against My Project’ part.
Thats what I thought, and I ment the word rave to mean like a bunch of words and such…AH I don't know how to explain it lol

Don't feel pressured to set yourself a deadline, you don't work for us so you shouldn't have to answer to us. If you can get a trailer done in three months, then great. But don't forget you can take your time to work on it… and not forget that unwritten rule, that no matter how simple something looks, double the amount of time you think you'll have to work on it. :p
And I didn't realise that I was trying to conform to your “demands” and was denying myself my creative duty to provide you with the best film I can give, Thank you for redirecting my focous to where it should be, (DARN YOU ADHD!!!!!!!!) …yeah, And I'll tell the animator that he has six months for the trailer, but I want him to work as if he has three, I hope I don't preasure (or confuse) too much lol.

Thank you for your time

Jordan Moore

Oh So Evil Productions.

by pantshater24

17 years, 3 months ago

oh you are going to conform to our demands. i expect a story in a month, a teaser in 6 months, and the full movie (fantastic cgi effects and all) in a year and a half. well, what are you waiting for? GET IN GEAR! TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! CHOP CHOP!you have thousands of ghostheads to please!

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 3 months ago

:-) (*ray)
LOL YOur a funny pants hater

by 9sam11

17 years, 3 months ago

Do you have any other films or would this be your first?

And also, just out of pure curiosity how old are you?

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 3 months ago

Do you have any other films or would this be your first?

And also, just out of pure curiosity how old are you?
This would be my first film, and I'm not at liberity to say my age, not yet any way, you'll have to wait till the movie is out to make your guesses lol.

by 9sam11

17 years, 3 months ago

lemme guess, your a 16 year old power rangers fan.