I can't blame you for you cynicism. But I take it as constructive Criticism
Not so much cynicism as it is common sense. (*winston)
And In retrospect, This rave against My Project Has given me more drive to prove to you that it will NOT fail and finish the movie.
We hope to start recording this summer
Rave? (*peter)
Also, you might want to set your goal a bit lower for your first project, FX included. Why not a 10 minute short that takes place in one room and deals with the Ghostbusters. It's an easier goal. Work from there.
An example of what MuthaPussBucket is talking about can be seen in one of the very first Ghostbusters fan films, Busting Makes me Feel Good. The film was probably between 15-20 minutes long, if that, only had four cast members (only two of them as Ghostbusters) and stayed in one location. However, despite these it turned out nicely and almost surely helped those guys develop their skills for more ambitious projects.
So in never hurts to start small and work your way up.