Ghostbusters SWAT

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

dude, power rangers fans aren't 16 anymore, they're like 13, maybe 15. see what you've done hank? now everyone wants to make their own GB movie. lol

by ViolentG

17 years, 4 months ago

It's an interesting concept, i'll give you that. However I personally wouldn't go publicising it until I was at least a third done, because you don't know the extent of your filmmaking abilities. Whilst filming the first few scenes, you might suddenly realise something you hadn't before, or come up with sudden script alterations or camera-angle changes. Go have a bash, try some stuff out, and let's see what you come up with.

And I don't know whether anybody told you, but ADHD is a made-up disease for children who aren't properly disciplined, and a constant excuse for nearly everything from spelling mistakes through to murder. ADHD has nothing to do with your misdirection - that was your fault through lack of experience. Accept it and move on!

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 4 months ago

It's an interesting concept, i'll give you that. However I personally wouldn't go publicising it until I was at least a third done, because you don't know the extent of your filmmaking abilities. Whilst filming the first few scenes, you might suddenly realise something you hadn't before, or come up with sudden script alterations or camera-angle changes. Go have a bash, try some stuff out, and let's see what you come up with.

Good point, I've realised I jumped the gun on this, I just don't want to lose out on chances and this is my first fan film/ film for release

And I don't know whether anybody told you, but ADHD is a made-up disease for children who aren't properly disciplined, and a constant excuse for nearly everything from spelling mistakes through to murder. ADHD has nothing to do with your misdirection - that was your fault through lack of experience. Accept it and move on!
(*rant) (*rant) (*rant)
Why do I find that offensive, Wait because it is, at least to me, I do not like your coments or your opinions about a topic I don't really care about, but is part of me, And I DO have a short attention span, when I don't take my pills, and I am considered a fairly well disiplined person. But, You are entitled to your thoughts and opinions on any topics.

by 9sam11

17 years, 4 months ago

dude, power rangers fans aren't 16 anymore, they're like 13, maybe 15. see what you've done hank? now everyone wants to make their own GB movie. lol

No, the guy is seriously 16 years old, and a power rangers fan. I found this out after some detective work :O.

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 4 months ago

A whats wrong with being a PR fan, and Second, IF I was 16 What would be wrong with that?

by heslimedme251

17 years, 4 months ago

can we steer this away from being another ghostbusters3000 situation. i'd rather we didn't just dump on people for being new. i'm sure the mods had to step in a few times before.

that was me being serious for a moment. “now on with the countdown….”


…and yes i do like that quote alot! :p

by jjmfdl2

17 years, 4 months ago

Thank you…I think lol And can some one explain to me what happened with Ghostbusters 3000?


by 9sam11

17 years, 4 months ago

A whats wrong with being a PR fan, and Second, IF I was 16 What would be wrong with that?

nothings wrong at all with either of those. In fact im 16 myself.

by GB1849

17 years, 3 months ago

This reminds me of the theme of the ride ‘The Haunting’ at Drayton Manor theme park in the UK.Quite a cool concept.

I've stuck the intro video/tv advert from the ride on you tube

by 9sam11

17 years, 3 months ago

Gj topping this post for no reason.