Ghostbusters: Tainted Love

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 2 months ago

If you take a gander on his flickr profile (which most likely has been said already), you can see some of the sketches and rough page layouts he's done for the taintedlove project. His new picture to date is of the Ecto-1 speeding down the street, and I must say his art style is very impressive from what I can tell. Truely an amazing artist!

by Ectofiend

15 years, 2 months ago

Interesting, Winston's been given a huge logo on the back of his jumpsuit.

Hrm reminds me of something :-):

by Mjollnir

15 years, 2 months ago

I'm going to assume the logo on the back is to “compensate” for the lack of Proton Pack. But then again, we were all thinking that. Personally, I think it's a bit redundant since he has the patch on his left arm.

by slimersvictim

15 years, 2 months ago

I'm glad that IDW has a run with the Ghostbusters franchise, but do they ever hire any really good artists? I mean, the Ecto-1 in that one image is nice, but I'm not crazy about the designs of the rest of the cast (and, yes, I've always considered Ecto one of the cast of characters!). I also wonder if they ever hire writers who are familiar at all with the characters or even the fanbase.

While I liked how they made a balanace between humor and darkness in Extreme Ghostbusters, I hated what they did with the equipment. “The ghosts have become more powerful…” was a silly excuse to try and update anything.

I don't know about everyone else, but as iconic as the No-Ghost logo is, or even the Ecto-1, so is the equipment. I agree with the aforementioned post about there no longer being a necessity to use the larger packs if they can do the smaller packs.

Now, if there were UPGRADES to the Proton Pack as there were in the video game, then I could swing for that.

As I said, I'm buying the comics to support the franchise, but I wish they'd take a different route with the art and stories.

I've seen some of the other stuff IDW has released–such as Galaxy Quest–and I wasn't crazy about that art, either. I'm putting my foot in my mouth, I'm sure, but it almost seems as if they are grabbing artists fresh out of high school.

Anyway, I've already told my comic book store to grab whatever Ghostbusters books are released for me.

by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

On the whole, I've been accepting of the artists they've had so far, although all respect to Tom Nguyen, I really didn't like his designs for Ray or Egon, and felt that there was nothing special or memorable about his art.

However, I'm far more pleased with Ilias Kyriazis's art and colours in Displaced Aggression, and with the previews we've so far seen of Salgood Sam's art for Tainted Love, which feature stronger, more identifiable character designs for the main cast.

Additionally, Scott Lobdell is definitely striking me as having a pretty good grasp of the characters, unlike Keith Champagne who was completely unsuited for the task, and wrote a piss-poor conclusion to The Other Side.

How well justified the small Packs will be hangs completely on how well handled the justification is, and also the idea of whether these are a item for use in rare circumstances or not.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 2 months ago

This I agree with Kingpin on, I can't see them pulling this mini pack out everytime they go out and do a bust. Not because it's an acceptable concept (from what I seen of it) but mostly because The Proton Pack are to well known to most of the fanbase and public to scrap or replace (Sorry to EGB fans, but their version of proton packs didn't just cut it for me and I consider myself somewhat of a fan of the series). What the Video Game did was truely remarkable and impressive I think. Bringing back my point of this post, I don't think we have to worry about anyone replacing the old packs completely just yet. And if this arm held equipment is introduced I see it as being a “last resort” situation for some reason

by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

Woot. Salgood has updated his flickr gallery, featuring a full page of finished artwork:

I have to say, I'm not a big fan of ‘sketchy’ styled artwork, but I'm really digging this. There's also a somewhat RGB-esque vibe to the larger communal space/open plan of the design of the Firehouse's second floor… compared to the real thing.

by Loki5

15 years, 2 months ago

Hi guys. Dara here, the writer on the Ghostbusters: Tainted Love one-shot. I've been reading the discussion on this thread with a lot of interest. I really don't want to say much about the book; I'd like the work to speak for itself when it's out. Plus, I'd hate to spoil any of the story elements. But, I did want to address a couple of points that have been brought up:

I've been a fan of Salgood Sam's work for a while, especially when he launched (pardon the pun) the Sea of Red comic at Image. If you'd like to see more of his amazing work, check out his Dream Life.

As for the arm-mounted proton packs, I'd just like to say wait to read about them within the context of the story. I think most of your fears will be laid to rest.

And finally, as far as licensed properties go, there are often times restrictions placed by the rights holders that affect the creative side. Stuff we can/can't do with the characters, rights issues with the actors' likeness, etc. I think Salgod and I have put together a really fun story together within those parameters, and I can't wait to read the reaction of the GB fan community once it's finally out.

In the meantime, enjoy the art. I just have to remember to ask Salgood not to spoil any of the surprises!

Dara Naraghi - writer

by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

Stone the crows, I hadn't made the connection with Sea of Red an enjoyable story that…

Thanks for stopping by, Dara. It's always a pleasure to see the creative folks behind these properties popping in and taking the time to address things.

by slimersvictim

15 years, 2 months ago

Hi, Dara,

Your post is very welcome and makes me not so nervous now!! I appreciate you for helping me feel better about the story.

On a seperate topic: I am still a little bothered by the art that not all white people have spikey hair, and the designs don't seperate the characters well at all–Look at the attached example of the characters shown here (I can't bring myself to call them by name, ha ha).

You can see the difference in, not only their head shapes, but the hair styles which set them apart as well. It's almost as if the artist says, “Here's my technique: I am an individual by not creating individuals!” A little more individuality of the characters would be nice.

Even when you look at the photos of the original performers, the RGB got it close enough with the hair styles.

As a credit, though, his OWN book looks fantastic and fits him very well. Just like (sorry, it's another fanatacism of mine) in The Muppet Show comic books–the artist has a great unique style all his own for his own comic book (something about a clown) but it is too stylized for The Muppets.

I suppose all I can do is share my thoughts of likes and dislikes, though. I am neither an artist myself nor am I a published artist.

But, I'm a purchasing consumer! :-)