Ghostbusters: Tainted Love

by Loki5

15 years, 1 month ago

You do raise a very valid point. Personal tastes differ, and I can see how one artist can be liked on one project, but not on another. Hopefully Salgood can win you over once you've seen the whole book. I can say this, though: he's put a lot of heart into the book, and has done a bunch of research from everything Ghostbusters-related to NY city streets to apartment decor, etc. trying to make it all look authentic.

A little over 2 months to go before the release date…


by Kingpin

15 years, 1 month ago

On the mention of authenticity… Would it be past the point of modification, and more importantly extremely pompous of me if I were to pass on a suggestion in regards to the colouring of the comic? (I know you're not in charge of the colouring )

Regardless, I look forward to the issue in February.

Is Ghostbusters one of your strong interests, or is this a new franchise you're writing for?

by Loki5

15 years, 1 month ago

Actually, I'd be more than happy to pass along your coloring suggestion/comment. Just keep in mind that a) about 1/2 of the pages are done, an b) on the production ladder made up of the editor, publisher, and studio folks who have to approve everything, I'm just a lowly writer and don't have that much pull

As to your question about my experience with Ghostbusters…I'm definitely a fan, having grown up in the era when the movies and the cartoon were popular. I never read any of the comics, though, until the recent IDW ones (and that was to make sure I didn't inadvertently repeat any of the same plot points/situations). As far as writing, it's my first time with this franchise, and depending on how this book does, hopefully not my last. I've had some experience with movie properties prior to this, having written the movie prequels for Igor and Terminator Salvation (both from IDW). My other projects tend to be much more towards the indie/self-published end of the spectrum (you can get a taste for most on my website: Ferret Press)


by Kingpin

15 years, 1 month ago

Actually, I'd be more than happy to pass along your coloring suggestion/comment. Just keep in mind that a) about 1/2 of the pages are done, an b) on the production ladder made up of the editor, publisher, and studio folks who have to approve everything, I'm just a lowly writer and don't have that much pull

- Thanks for humoring me. It was a suggestion in regard to appearances of the Firehouse tile (in the engine bay/garage only), where Bernie had coloured it completely white, whilst as indicated in the attached photo, it has a large amount of green:

The recoloured panel included in the file is how it would appear when matching the real station… as for the stairs, I quite like how Bernie has rendered them.
One of those visual details that I know is probably too late to change now, but I wanted to get out of my system by asking. If anything does come of it, then that's great, but if no, no worry.

Edit: I've been given indication that this detail could be corrected before the comic ships. Even if there isn't time because there are more pressing details to finish at hand, I appreciate the positive response to the request by those on this forum, and those who responded via email.

I wish you goodluck with Tainted Love's success.

Slimer… Salgood has responded to your last post on his flickr:


by Loki5

15 years, 1 month ago

Good news, Kingpin: I passed along your coloring note and the colorist said he can make the correction before the book is done. Thanks!


by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 1 month ago

Wow. Congrats Ben - you've officially influenced the look of the book! How neat that they're open to suggestions like that.

by Kingpin

15 years, 1 month ago

Good news, Kingpin: I passed along your coloring note and the colorist said he can make the correction before the book is done. Thanks!


That's excellent to hear! Please pass on my eternal grattitude to Mr.Mireault.

GhstbstrLMLIII: It is very neat.

All: As you may have seen yesterday, the last post I'd made in this forum was maliciously edited by an unknown party to damage my public image and standing on this site as both a regular member and Moderator.

The staff take this sort of breach extremely seriously and it will not be tollerated.

by Loki5

15 years ago

Hey, we're just minutes away from 2010, so what better way to anticipate the new year than another little preview of Ghostbusters: Tainted Love?

(Ok, there are lots of better ways, but I was looking for an excuse to post this, since Chris at IDW gave me the go ahead)

Happy New Year, everyone.


by robertknippels1

15 years ago

I love that page. Specially the destruction of the walls with those proton beams. Can't wait to read ths one. I hope we will get more miniseries this year.

O yeah, I want to wish everybodya Happy and healthy new year!!!

Best regards,


by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years ago

The art looks good and of course I'll buy one of each cover they put out, but…ghost gangsters again?