Ghostbusters: Tainted Love

by DocFritz

15 years ago

In some places. For example, one of the two comic store chains in Indianapolis got it in this week, the other expects it next week.

It was on Diamond's list for this week, but on Graham Crackers' list for next week (Feb 24th)

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 12 months ago

Just got notice from my comic shop that they've reserved 1 of each cover for me, including the incentive! I love that they know I'm the biggest Ghostbusters fan in town and always save those for me.

I'll be picking this up after work. Very excited to give it a read.

by Swift_Justice

14 years, 12 months ago

My comic shop got them in this week as well. All the covers were bent at the top right corner. Ah, packaging, love it or hate it.

Side note, no Ghostbusters titles for May from IDW.

by newrecruit1

14 years, 7 months ago

The Emo Lawyer lol

Realy it's fantastic work. I realy love it. I've missed alot on the ghostbusters univers. I don't visit here often and same for my comicbook store but decided to make a visit and what a surprise was waiting there. Only one of each left, the Ghostbuster Con-Volution (cover B) and Tainted Love (cover A). Tainted Love cover with the hearts scared me a little (bad idea the hearts) but its art and story are very cool. It is, I am sure, the type of concept all fans wish to see in a ghostbusters story. I think it must have be difficult for the artists and writer to shorten a story to only a few pages when it could have contained many more scenes. We can feel even a movie atmosphere in it. We feel the movements, the actions, the personalties in the characters art, life in it. I think it only needs more light effect on the particle beam. The ghosts art is perfect.

Like someone said for the first page, the wall damage is very nice, it makes us feel the action. I love the trapping scene on page 4. Page 5 contains a little simple detail that we probably forget too often when Tiyah says: “I don't think I can afford you guys”: when we think ghost, we always think ghostbusters but what if we cannot afford them; what a nightmare! Also, I don't know if it was already made in the recent GB comicbooks, I wasn't lucky to get them, this story ends in a appartment where we all wonder how the ghostbusters would work. Page 8, I think the comment about Gozer (or flowers page13) could be erased like the joke on fungus in con-evolution, I don't think we always need to hear that. It turns the content a little ordinary. I accept the suggestion Winston made to Egon on page 9, it's not a negative comment but I think this new hardware would have been made a long time ago. Perhaps having Winston saying that they'll need the help of the minipacks and Egon answering that he'll do a little work on them would have surprised the readers? Yes, I thought the artists were inspired by the halloween minipack too. Page 10, realy, Ray is realy lucky to always find informations on a critical situations eheh but it is fine, the only thing I think Ray was a little cold to throw “We gear up and go blast him” I think he would have say “let's gear up and see what we can do” not realy thinking to blast the ghost first after knowing it better. Page 11, this simple Ecto1 scene is a must and I like the idea of having it under the cover. Page12, don't you think the ghost wouldn't have reacted already when Tiyah entered in the place with… not one but FOUR men at same time! eheh I am kidding. Page 13 gives a feeling of the ghostbuster first technology concept when Ray use his particle beam. Realy great work on page 14-15. And ahah “Don't worry, we'll get this guy, I promise” and Ray to add “Why's it so tough to get this guy?” I wouldn't like to be there to hear that, it gives uncomfortable feeling to see the pros under difficulties. In short, good job. A little error there on page 16 “We've got him cornered in the kitchen” it's a ghost, there's no walls for it but very good page and I like how the ghost escape from the beam on bottom left corner. Page 17-18 is an old concept ending to a solution but it's well made, we don't realy feel it.

Page 19 to 20 now, this leave alot to the imagination; anything could have happened. That ghost stayed a long time acting like this and probably found new reasons to stay that way, and if Winston knows how it is to suffer so much how the ghost can accept to be approched like that! Also, this soul is passionate, Winston probably was once, but to go as far as throwing the insult of “there's plenty of fish in the sea”… you would NEVER allow yourself to play with words to make something understood about love between two persons, specialy not when you considered someone your Love, the person you feel/thought as your HALF. And this is a soul with no futur, a soul that can only give reason to is coherence by going after those who enter in the appartment. It may even have protected Tiyah sometimes and she dont even know it; some soul can read the living and this one is very alive. I think the ghost understood what Winston meant, so he left Tiyah alone… But “FISH”? to just leave like that, not haunting Winston?! AH! this was censored: the ghost took control of ecto1 and made them crash etc! I know it's a one shot but I want a sequel! Yeah, it's good to dream. But, honnestly? Great great story! A must for the ghostbuster collection.