Hey guys! For those who haven't heard of this project, “Ghostbusters: The Animated Series” is a monthly animated series that airs exclusively on the internet, particularly on
Newgrounds.com and
CrossTheStreams.net. Our first episode, “Cabin Fever” had a successful release on June 25th. For those who have not seen it, you can view it here:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/177441 We made several improvements on our second episode, released yesterday. You can view “The Soul Collector” here:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/185595 Please be sure to vote on the entry and enjoy! Once you're done viewing the episodes you can check out the official website of “GB:TAS” at
http://www.gbanimated.tk We also have our own message board, located at:
http://s8.invisionfree.com/Egons_Study/index.php?act=idx. Post comments please so that we can continue to improve the series as we move on to future episodes.