Ghostbusters: The Game

by spookbuster1

19 years, 7 months ago

I've uploaded it to Winsite numerous times and it will not show up. I guess I'll try uploading it to my host, but it will be a slow download… I apologize for all the delays, anyone know of a host besides winsite?

by youngvenkman1

19 years, 7 months ago


I guess its just me, but I don't care for these moive based sprites. Egon, Ray, and Peter, look too much like each other. Peter and Ray look almost exactly like pallet swaps, minus the hair.

Egon looks like a goverment “man in black” at most, escpialyl sicne it looks like he is wearing sunglasses. It'd be better if they were white with maybe pupils poking thoguht them.

Its gonna be “worse” when they are all in their jumpsuits, with only their three heads lookign slightly diffrent.

I kinda prefer to RGB looks becuase then the characters look more derverse.

by slimer3881

19 years, 7 months ago

i think they look fine,personaly. but yeah Egon's glasses should be a little lighter.

by radio1

19 years, 7 months ago

I've never, and never will, care for RGB because they did change the hair colors. Movies > RGB. Peter doesn't look bald enough though. That, or everyone else is too bald.

by sky_hero_ash1

19 years, 7 months ago

Hi I'm also making a 2D GB RPG and I was wondering if it's okay if I borrowed a couple of ideas from yours? So that when it's finished (a demo at least) you won't like prosecute me or something. For instance, I like the way you made the brick wall tiles, they look just like the ones in the movie. If so then this will be one small step in getting approved credit from folks I've “borrowed” some stuff from. In fact, I'll admit it, as of now there's very few graphics that are original, moset of them are from Activision's games (and HAL Labs.). But hey, there's not that many fanbased (of any kind) games that don't.

Did I mention it'd be somewhat based on Ghostbusters International? So trust me, I doubt there'll be any money involved in this project.

by spookbuster1

19 years, 7 months ago

After much delay, heres the link to the download.

Ghostbusters: The Game (Demo)

(Right Click, Save Target As…)

Sorry if you don't like how they look, but I went through many agonizing hours drawing them. I would change them but I really wouldn't like to bother. Guess you'll have to wait till I start the RGB Game again. Please PM me with any other questions or requests.

by BradRedfield

19 years, 7 months ago

Hey, how do I get the game to work? I downloaded both required files yet the game doesn't work. Help?

by Dr.D

19 years, 7 months ago

He's right it don't work.

by fusi0n1

19 years, 7 months ago

Well if you posted what happens when you try and run it I'm sure spookbuster will be able to help.
I tried to run mine but it was missing a RGSS100J.dll file (that should be in the game's directory from what I've worked out from google)
I found one with the same name it but it wasn't the right one. spookbuster if you have this file somewhere for us to get that would be great

by spookbuster1

19 years, 7 months ago


I've just realized what mistake I've made while encrypting it, I had a few sound effects from the RTP in the game so it'll try to search your computer for the RTP, to fix this, I just have to rip the sounds from the RTP, put them into my game as individual files, and dis-associate the game with the RMXP RTP (I will also need to add the RGSS100J.dll file) Give me a day or two to fix these problems and re-upload it to Winsite. Sorry!


I just fixed all the problems, and it looks pretty much glitch free, it should be uploaded by tomorrow afternoon.