ghostbusters the mini-game (LBP2)

by chriz

14 years, 1 month ago

Made by me and using lvl links it has a tutorial , 2 normal levels , 2 driving levels and 1 end boss.

Here is a picture of the driving

I would really like input by you as to what you think

Here is what I will say :

Pros :
You dive Ecto 1
Working Traps
Even if you've not bought it you play as a ghostbuster costume

cons :
single-player only (Multiplayer wouldn't work how I've done it)
lvls are not long
A little easy.

But I'm curious what fans will think of it

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 1 month ago

I see its for Sony online or something. This is not a pc download is it? Why didn't you say something about that in your heading?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 1 month ago

I think that's what the “LBP2” was for. I don't own a PS3, but when I tried to download this, it looked like it was for “Little Big Planet” - an exclusive game to the PS3. So don't worry devilmanozzy, I was upset too that I won't get to try it. Good luck Chriz. Hope people like it.

by chriz

14 years, 1 month ago

I see its for Sony online or something. This is not a pc download is it? Why didn't you say something about that in your heading?

I think that's what the “LBP2” was for. I don't own a PS3, but when I tried to download this, it looked like it was for “Little Big Planet”.

Sorry, Yeah LBP2 = Little big Planet 2. Sorry I was not trying to mislead you devilmanozzy.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 1 month ago

Chriz, would it be possible for you to put videos of you playing through it up on youtube, so that those of us without a PS3 could see it?

by Swift_Justice

14 years, 1 month ago

I've added it to my queue and will play it the next time I start up LBP2.

by chriz

14 years, 1 month ago

Chriz, would it be possible for you to put videos of you playing through it up on youtube, so that those of us without a PS3 could see it?

I can't sorry, I can't capture ps3 video.

I've added it to my queue and will play it the next time I start up LBP2.

You may want to queue it again. I just edited first page to show it again. I had complaints about camera (I mounted it wrong at it kept shaking) and few other updates to improve it and fix problems.

by shaunryan825

14 years ago

I dont have lbp2 i cant play it(;_:-(

by chriz

13 years, 8 months ago

Did anyone play this?

I have story planned out for sequel and would love imput

by devilmanozzy1

13 years, 8 months ago

Not sure what to say at this point, you sort of picked a kind of exclusive game/system setting there. Sadly Sony lately has the “X” over them overall after that month long blackout. You may have better luck playing with games that are editable like Mugen (Would I love to see a ghostbuster vs a ghost in that game) smile .