ghostbusters the mini-game (LBP2)

by chriz

13 years, 4 months ago

Not sure what to say at this point, you sort of picked a kind of exclusive game/system setting there. Sadly Sony lately has the “X” over them overall after that month long blackout. You may have better luck playing with games that are editable like Mugen (Would I love to see a ghostbuster vs a ghost in that game) smile .

Thank you. Your right, if you've not got PS3 and LBP2 then it's a miss. However I like working on LBP2 and can't really do Mugen stuff. However work has already started on sequel. So far big improvements =

- Multiplayer, I used the idea of S.OS and made 4 new ghostbusters each with unique dialogue points in game. New busters as I couldn't make 4 convincing originals so figured I'd leave them out

- A intro cut-scene

- a new main villain no stay puft again

- a bigger story mode

- Better busting improvements

- New Vehicles (better than 4 Ecto-1s or 1 Ecto 1 that 3 can't use) Including what I call the Ecto XZ helicopters.

When It's finished (not done yet) I'll post pics and more info for anyone interested.