Ghostbusters: The Other Side #3

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

Well, I'm not yet able to find this IDW series, and I don't smoke anyway, so where does that leave me?

How far is Evergreen Park from Chicago? Its been pretty widely publicized that Graham Crackers carries this.

You can even order through their site at a bare minimum to get it.

by jay_tigran1

16 years, 1 month ago

so anyone got a scan of Janine? I'ld like to see how she looks in this variation

by Nix

16 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman;132971
How far is Evergreen Park from Chicago? Its been pretty widely publicized that Graham Crackers carries this.

You can even order through their site at a bare minimum to get it.

There's also a store at Chicago Ridge Mall (now called Westfield Shopping Center) that carries GB: ToS and other IDW titles. However, I'm *not* paying $3.99 for one comic; I'm already astonishingly underfunded as it is.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 1 month ago

my opinion of number 3 is yes they are trying to introduce new life into GB by making them dead. not just a pure dark thoughts sorry about a crappy job and lame duck love life like previous attempts. my beef (btw i give GB the other side an 8/10) is that the purgatory looks so bland. I know that it is a bland place, but with all the people there, why haven't they done anything with the place. is the environment not changeable? also do we really need to see peter rip things apart (however cool a little too bloody and lack luster for creativity)? but it is FAAAARRR too early to complain about anything they are still trying to work out the bugs.
i will buy it still.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

LOL, I didn't say I wasn't going to buy it. But there's no such thing as too early to complain. There's nothing wrong with pointing out shortcomings of the book, which are there, and are obvious.

And I'm sorry, but “there are so many people in purgatory, why haven't they done anything with the place?” LMAO! What do you expect them to do? Spruce it up with some nice drapes and carpetting? I doubt anyone brought swatches with them when they went on to the afterlife, lol.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 1 month ago

ha ha ha ha i didn't think about it, but the artist could be a little more creative with it, i am shocked that another dimention is so, well lame. if peter could lift a rock and break it, why not have like a few people design something out of stones like an alter or i don't anything other than an empty department store with generic rocks lying around.

by Ectoman57

16 years, 1 month ago

I wasnt too impressed with number 3, i loved the part with venkman and the two women, i thought that was funny, but other then that im hoping #4 is alot better, so far #1 is still the best.

by GB3

16 years, 1 month ago

I'm a little iffy about this series now. I thought #2 was the best one so far. #3 was strange and I can't the notion Peter would tear up a demon, like we'd ever see Bill Murray doing this. This ain't GB to me. How're the guys are gonna come back to life is another question with one issue left, and their bodies are dead and in the water! The Other Side and Legion still never quite catch what GB is to me story wise. I think if IDW ever do another series they should make the writers watch the 2 movies again and see if they can do some new story from there after a fresh reminder of the films.

by DocFritz

16 years, 1 month ago

There's not a whole lot I want to say about GBTOS#3, but for the first time I do have a comparison to Legion in which it comes out ahead:

Her appearance was brief, but I liked their version of Janine better at first glance. She was less dumpy looking than in Legion.

Not really anything else until #4 comes out, and we know for sure whether this series was worth it or not.

by Kingpin

16 years ago

I've finally now able to read the third issue of The Other Side. The wait definitely wasn't worth it.

Issue 3 was marginally better than the first issue, but not by much.

In terms of writing, Keith Champagne once again shows he was a really bad choice, whilst some bits do shine (such as Egon and Ray's theorising on Venkman's new powers), other bits stank, how much of a hack is Champagne that he has to have Hoover constantly use ‘Pinko’? And constantly use Hoover's whole name? There are equally appropriate alternatives that could be used. And frankly, Janine might as well not have appeared at all for how underused she was.

The art's the same sort of standard we've gotten used to, although there was some nice Firehouse work, and Janine was nicely handled.

Despite the cover not representing an actual element of the story, it's inarguably the best part of the whole issue.