Ghostbusters: The Other Side paperback trade out today.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 6 months ago

Just google the TPB and find the lowest price available on a comic or book online boutique, or even go to your local comic book store and request it if you can. It's nothing to really excite yourself about, as fritz said already, it's nothing “epic” for the hype made of it, and the art is nothing special either. Not saying you shouldn't buy it, but as a fan alot of myself was really unsatisfied with how it turned out. I atempted to re-read it a month ago and gave up with issue two.

by 9sam11

15 years, 6 months ago

Yea i know, but after years of bitching for new GB stuff it wouldn't be right for me to not buy all this stuff thats coming out, regardless of how crappy it might be