Ghostbusters: The return for sale

by gbuster1a

17 years, 1 month ago

Decided to sell my copy of Ghostbusters: The return on Ebay, starting at $19.99. Heres the link:

by lordvego1

17 years ago

You can get way more for it. I'm sure you'll get more with the price you set it at now, i'm just saying you could probably have set it a little higher and still gotten more bids.

by gbuster1a

17 years ago

Yea, thats true, but at least im still making a profit out of it, lol. Its already got 5 watchers on it, so im not too worried, and the insertion fees are lower the lower you start the item at.

by lordvego1

17 years ago

I have an idea.. let me have it for like 2 bucks

That's it.