Ghostbusters: The Return.....MY copy on ebay!

by oldschoolbuster

17 years, 8 months ago

I have listed my copy of this rare book on ebay auction site
Ghostbusters: The Return
the 20th anniversary special which came out in 2004 and was quickly bought up the view copies that were printed—-I ORDERED MINE THROUGH BOOKS A MILLION-they didnt have it otherwise
check out the site and bid so you too can enjoy reading yet another addition to the ghostbusters story!

i have been on this site since 1999 as class10specter/oldschoolbuster/and other names i am not new to this board i am a very trust worthy Ghostheaded individual
have a good evening folks

the auction begins tonight at 6:30pm i will put the link up as soon as it lists!

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

Why was it pulled from the shelf?

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

Why was it pulled from the shelf?

Not really ‘pulled from the shelves’.

The book did poorly, a failure that was partly attributed with Barnes & Noble not stocking it… eventually IBooks went backrupt (not based on the book's poor sales alone) ending the line (even though it was doubtful they'd make a second book) and any chance of second prints, making the novel a one-off collectable.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 8 months ago

Lol, thanks for the insight.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 8 months ago

Just $5 bucks…..

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

oh yeah… now I remember. Too bad I didn't get it when it was still available. Who knew it will be a instant collector's item.

If I did get a copy of the book, it will be really tempting to sell it.

Just $5 bucks…..

Wait until the auction is over.

by oldschoolbuster

17 years, 8 months ago

really lol
this book sells for literally a 100.00 or more it should bring way more than 5 dollars
i read the book, its a good read
it reads just like one of the Real Ghostbusters adventures-rather well written for a low budget publishing company

it has some humorous parts and some great action sequences

well worth the money folks!

by secrecyguy

17 years, 8 months ago

really lol
this book sells for literally a 100.00 or more it should bring way more than 5 dollars
i read the book, its a good read
it reads just like one of the Real Ghostbusters adventures-rather well written for a low budget publishing company

it has some humorous parts and some great action sequences

well worth the money folks!

Oh come on… we know you just want the money…

I see you collect books and than sell them…

Yes, I like to read it but the chance of that happening is unlikely.