Ghostbusters: The Video Game FAQ Project

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Ok, a lot of new threads have been created recently that are questions from people need help with the game. In order to hopefully help these people I propose making an FAQs here on the forums for quick reference help.

Ok, so here is your mission if you choose to accept it. Individuals will post questions in this thread; the community as a whole will find a solution for the posted question or problem and then the question or problem along with it's solution will be compiled and edited into this first post for quick reference as they are completed

Ready? Set? GO!

Ghostbusters: The Video Game FAQ

- General Questions -

- 360 / PC / PS3 -

Q) Where is the Cursed Artifact in the Ballroom in the Sedgewick Hotel; and how do I get to it?
A) The Cursed Artifact in the Ballroom (Voyaging Case International) is behind the open liquor bar located in the right corner of the Ballroom…where Slimer is first at when you enter. Approach the bar and using your proton pack blast the right side of the wall behind the liquor bar. This will reveal a hidden passageway that leads behind the wall to the Cursed Artifact.

Q) How do I drain the Black Slime on Shandor's Island?
A)Upon entering the room of Black Slime on Shandors Island, make a left and follow the far-left wall all all the way across the room. When you reach the other side, make a right and approach the center of the wall. There is a gate at the center; inspect it with your Para-goggles and you will see some weird Gozerian text. On either side of the gate there are two hanging handles that resemble light fixtures. Using either the Slime Tether or the Wrangle Beam pull those handles / light fixtures straight down and the black slime will begin to drain.

Q) How do I get the “Ghostbusters Drinking Game” Achievement?
A) In order to get the “Ghostbusters Drinking Game” Achievement you have to drink at least once from all of the water fountains located in the game. The locations of the water fountains are as follows:
1)Firehouse, Checkpoint: You're Hired
At the top of the stairs before you enter the basement.
2)Hotel Sedgewick Lobby, Checkpoint: Extended Service Agreement
On the right side of the main lobby as you enter.
3)Hotel Sedgewick 12th Floor, Checkpoint: Charge of the Light Brigade
To your right as you leave the marine life area, elevator doors are on your left.
4)Times Square Laundromat, Checkpoint: Spin Cycle
By the back door as you leave the laundromat.
6)Times Square Office Building, Checkpoint: Race to the Roof
On your left as you enter the office space where you fight a horde of marshmallow minions.
7)Library, Checkpoint: Story Hour
On the right hand side of the hallway outside the children's reading room.
8)Museum, Checkpoint: The Ossuary
At the end of the hallway towards the exit near two water heating tanks.
9)Return To Sedgewick, Checkpoint: Emergency Generator
In front of you as you enter the hallway before the generator.
- PS2 / Wii -

- DS -

- Credits-
Terminal Reality
Prima Games
Fernando Bueno
Jay Tigran

Last Updated: 8-2-09, 7:46p EST

Get to work Ghostheads

by jackbtripper

15 years, 8 months ago

I need the Nice Shootin', Tex! acheivement. I asume I need to start a new career but will a new career make me lose my acheivments I have already earned?


by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

I need the Nice Shootin', Tex! acheivement. I asume I need to start a new career but will a new career make me lose my acheivments I have already earned?


acheivments: no (*janine)

artifacts & ghost scans: yes :-)

by Sii

15 years, 8 months ago

PROTIP: To get the nice shootin' tex achievement, play through on casual and let the other busters do most of the leg work. Because if you happen to say, accidently shoot one of the buses while escprting Ecto 1 towards Stay Puft, that amount will stick with you and there is no way to get rid of it short of starting a new game.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 8 months ago

Whats happenin fella's? I figure i could start this thread for everyone having trouble with the new GB game, not for glitches or complaining, I guess this should me more for strategy and such

First off i have to ask, How do you close the door in or under Shandors Castle to stop the slime flow, were the rivers of black slime are? It said a creative tool may be used on one of those pop ups but i have no idea what I'm supposed to do

I end up getting stuck, and having to make a suicide jump into the black slime to get out of there

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Whats happenin fella's? I figure i could start this thread for everyone having trouble with the new GB game, not for glitches or complaining, I guess this should me more for strategy and such

First off i have to ask, How do you close the door in or under Shandors Castle to stop the slime flow, were the rivers of black slime are? It said a creative tool may be used on one of those pop ups but i have no idea what I'm supposed to do

I end up getting stuck, and having to make a suicide jump into the black slime to get out of there

Use the slime tether to pull the pistons down.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 8 months ago

moving to the FAQs thread

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 8 months ago

Thanks guys, So the pistons are beside the door thats above the slime?

Its like any time I have a question, I just come in here, I allways ask because someone allways answers! Alot of places, you ask something, and no ones around to answer it, lol

by Stichamania

15 years, 8 months ago

hey does anybody have the “Kosher!” trophy yet and how do you get it

by JerseyDevil

15 years, 8 months ago

It's at the left end of the banquet table in the ballroom of the hotel.