Ghostbusters: The Video Game FAQ Project

by heslimedme251

15 years, 6 months ago

Okay, as this is the FAQ thread I thought I'd pull up the list of all the Multiplayer awards and how to acquire them…I'm sure some have wondered. I thought about throwing up the spoilers tag, but if you're in this thread then you're most likely looking for help.

Firstly, I'll list game type specific awards:

Keeping An Eye Out
~Longest period of time in PKE Paragoggles view
Basically, just spend any of the time between busting ghosts in Paragoggles view and you should get this award.

My Ghosts, My Trap!
~Most ghosts trapped in your own trap
Just trap as many ghosts in your own trap as possible (you don't get extra cash for it, but you might get the award).

We Came, We Saw…
~First person to trap 10 ghosts
Trap as many ghosts as quickly as you can and hope that you were the first to get 10.

Destruction Master
~Most relics destroyed
You have to destroy more than 10 relics to even have a shot at this.

Smashy Smashy
~First player to destroy 10 relics
Just make sure you destroy 10 relics before anyone else and you'll have a shot.

Blink Out
~Most ghosts eliminated by destroying relics
Let the relics spit out a few ghosts and then set about destroying the thing, the more ghosts the relic has created, the more chance you have of getting this.

~Shortest period of time between destroying two relics
Easiest way to do this is find two relics that are virtually next to each other and destroy both within seconds of each other.

Soul Survivor
~Longest run without getting knocked down
Basically, just stay standing longer than anyone else on the team. As soon as every member of the team has been knocked down, you'll be a shoe in!

Team Saviour
~Revive every team mate at least once
Just keep an eye out for downed team mates, and hopefully you'll revive each member of your team. Can be a real pain if someone has a knack of staying upright!

First Death
~Be the first to get knocked down in the round
Harder than it sounds, your best bet is to get stuck in the middle of a swarm or by taking on a golem by yourself. However, you've gotta eat dirt before any other member on your team.

Highest eliminations to knock down ratio in the round
Just try to bust more spooks than getting knocked down. If you get knocked down twice, then eliminate 4 ghosts to redeem yourself.

Slime Dunk
~Most points in Slime Dunk
You have to get at least one point to be in with a shot at this. Basically, just trap as many “slimers” as you can.

Slime Wrangler
~Longest amount of time wrangling slimer
Just snag slimer in your capture stream and then just keep slamming him about, the longer you go without trapping him the more chance you have of getting this award.

Slime Dodger
~Least amount of times knocked down by slimer
Just dodge every attack and hope that you're the one least hit at the end of the round.

Gloop Dreams
~First person to get 5 Slime Dunks in the match
Just trap slimer 5 times before anyone else in the round. (I'm not sure on this one, as I haven't had it…but from the way it's worded you may want to try using the slime tether to trap them - anyone verify?)

Coming up: Thieves, Protection and the Generic awards.

by ReplicaterZ

15 years, 6 months ago

Can you unlock other things besides the Gold proton pack, for PS3 Online multiplayer?? I noticed I was playing online and this other ghostbuster had the Black GB2 suit, I didnt think those were on the PS3 version of ghostbusters, I thought maybe by playing it online you could unlock more stuff

by kadrik

15 years, 1 month ago

Can you unlock other things besides the Gold proton pack, for PS3 Online multiplayer?? I noticed I was playing online and this other ghostbuster had the Black GB2 suit, I didnt think those were on the PS3 version of ghostbusters, I thought maybe by playing it online you could unlock more stuff

You have to have a code. When the game was initially released different stores had different codes to get alternate outfits with purchase of their game.

Golden Proton Pack
Ghostbusters 2 Uniform
Construction Character w/Ghost? Bestbuy's Exclusive

The golden proton pack just looks ok. The GB 2 Uniform was tempting, but not worth spending $12 extra to get. Amazon had the game for like $50 and GameStop was $60 with Shipping and Taxes (or no shipping if you took advantage of the code). Great game. You can still get the outfits, but in general it costs $5-$10 for the codes on ebay as they are randomly created.

I am hoping they eventually make the exclusives free like they did with Infamous's GigaBlades on the PS3. I would also hope for add-on content. I know they took out some levels. I remember a video of the Stay Puft fight where they used the green slime to remove the broken steps, but in the finished game you don't have the slime option yet.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 1 month ago

The GB 2 Uniform was tempting, but not worth spending $12 extra to get.

The code didn't cost extra if you originally purchased from Game Stop.

All you had to do was pre-order it, which is not paying more, its just reserving a copy ahead of time for release day.

You got a GB:TVG t-shirt and the code for the GB2 uniform if you pre-ordered, at no extra cost.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 10 months ago

I will probably scrounge through this thread and update the first post. Would have sooner but I have been…shall we say….distracted.

by Nix

13 years, 8 months ago

Here, I got one:

How do I defeat the Collector on Professional/Experienced?

ANSWER: The strategy behind killing him is to get yourself over to a portal and stand near it. When he comes near you, you can simply back into the portal and you'll end up at the other end of the room. He'll have to make his way over to you–although he can RUN when he wants to, the Collector will take a few seconds…more than enough time for you to knock his health down even further. Reviving your teammates is NOT recommended! He's expecting that, and has knocked them down first as a distraction! They'll revive automatically when you defeat the Collector.

And another one:

How do I defeat the Chairman on Professional/Experienced?

ANSWER: See that great big chimney in the middle of the arena? You'll want to stand behind that relative to where the Chairman's attacking you from when he does his “Me-shoot-black-holes” thing.

His firepower'll knock down the other three guys, so you'll have to stay alive for as long as you can to revive them. Here, reviving your teammates IS recommended.