Ghostbusters: The Video Game Progress Report (IGN article)

by scott.herring

16 years, 1 month ago

Apparently each level is at least an hour long, so that should give you a rough idea of how much gameplay you will get. :-)

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

there is about 12 hours of gameplay, so that should keep you happy for a while , 8 missions, puzzles built into the missions for problem solving , and add in a few cutscenes and mini missions and you have got the idea

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

lol, thanks fellas.

If each level is an hour that would be 8 hours which is a little short for a game, but let's say the game is 12-14 hours of game play. That means each level would take about…1.5 hours or an hour and a half each.

I am guessing 1 hour to go through the level and maybe half an hour to complete boss fight perhaps?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Scott Sommer;133714
That means each level would take about…1.5 hours or an hour and a half each.

Aren't “1.5 hours” and “an hour and a half” the same thing? LOL, just ribbin' ya… figured it was a typo.

by Buckynohair

16 years, 1 month ago

I thought i read there was gunna be 10 levels/missions. I wish i remembered where i read that now. Oh well, 8 hrs gameplay is sound for me. Obviously i'd like it to last like 100 hrs, lol, but the replay value that i think i'll get from it more than makes up for it. Plus 8 is a lot more than say gow 2 imo.

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

well seems i got it a bit mixed up, check this, may surprise you, did me cuz its my first time reading it lol–the-tom-hanks-of-intellectual-properties

just found this so check it out says it there

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

Seems Ghostbusters is a long game indeed. I mean this in a good way folks so don't get me wrong.

You have a mission made up of levels. The Library level is made up of 8 levels which is about 1-2 hours of gameplay. The library has two easy ghost, one mini-boss, and another final boss for the level. If the ionization rate is constant for all ecto-plasmic entities, we could really bust some heads….in spiritual sense of course.

lol Sorry couldn't help it. I mean if all the levels are more or less the same, then if there are 8-10 missions at most that means the game will run anywhere from 12-20 hours. Which is above the achievement for a long game. Plus you have DLC which could add more missions later on a la Fable 2

BTW, Buckynohair…..I used to watch Bucky O'Hare all the time which I assume is where you got your name from. Okay, now I feel old.

by RickyM

16 years, 1 month ago

man i cnt wait, lots of laffs and busting, what a june this will be

by Buckynohair

16 years, 1 month ago

Scott Sommer;133718
BTW, Buckynohair…..I used to watch Bucky O'Hare all the time which I assume is where you got your name from. Okay, now I feel old.

Yeah, a mixture of that n my last name being Buck (nickname Bucky lol) n i used to shave ma head lol.

by skankerzero

16 years, 1 month ago

my inside sources tell me the game will be 80+ hours long.

You get to drive the Ecto-1 GTA style.

The JaninexEgon / JaninexLouis mess will finally be answered.

Boogyman and Sam Haine will be final bosses.

Everytime your character blinks, you go to hell.

Venkman dies.

Baby Oscar is given the first GB franchise at the end of the game.

Ray will carry around his Dopey Dog in one of the levels.

You will meet a very young Kylie which sets her on her obsession with the occult.

Stay Puft is back, but it's not Gozer, it's his brother Lozer. He must take his brother's form.

The new recruit has been removed from the game and replaced with a giant gorilla in a hat.

Ecto-1 can talk.

You must buy ghost bait in order to reach the final level.

There is a simulation in the game that puts you in Manhattan city traffic. This will make up most of the 80 hours.

you guys dont have to take my word for it, but i'm just saying that I know someone that knows someone.