Ghostbusters the video game two theories.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

I just want to make a thread as to what theories could happen if a sequel to the game is created. I know it is it a little early, but still it passes time.

Do you think the same rookie would be used or would we play someone else? Would the original four plus Potts and Atherton perhaps return?

Would would be the villain?

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

I can probably guess the Rookie takes the Franchise and spreads it globally. Instead of ghosts in NY, there are now are world wide problem. Something else is in the midst of releasing a God from a museum. The main villian here would be the Devil himself, controlling alot of Dead Ghosts of famous evil people. (i.e Hitler) Basically say for Germany, Hitler has a army of undead Nazis and they are terrorizing people. So pretty much since the original 4 are just kicking back at the old Firehouse, a new team will be assembled , and GB teams from all over the world will have to team up and clear areas. The ending will be facing the Devil himself, as the Devil is going to take over the Earth as his minions (Hitler, etc) are not be able to do it.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

yeah im betting the rookie will head up the new franchise (or co run with an original member), actually speak more then 2 words. im betting that there will be 2 other new guys (maybe XGB based) and you or maybe just 2-3 GB in total. I was thinking that its you and the rookie from TVG then as time progresses 1 or 2 get hired. If its in Chicago i hope they stress the theme from RGB's “live at al capones tomb” and lead up to a bigger baddie pulling the strings. maybe the devil idk, i think it would be great if the Greek god Hades was the bad guy

by onionheadedfreak

15 years, 8 months ago

You know, I hope it's a new franchise, preferable in Chicago, I think the midwest is a good place for it and there's a rich history to Chicago well worth delving into. But mostly, I would love to see some character customization. You're a new hire to the new franchise and you can choose your look. Even have different unlockable flight suits; i.e. the different colored ones from RGB and the like.

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

I think we have seen the last of the rookie. We may only hear about him from someone else.

I go the EGB route….not making it exacty like EGB but basically make it the GB Hellbent idea.

Stantz and Spengler are mentors, Venkman's retired. I just don't think you'll be able to get the voice work all back for a sequel, specifically Murray. I see the main character being a create-a-buster character for everyone. Maybe they can record pre-set lines for your character. You can select your character to be dry and witty, or ambitious/emotional, etc. Basically the personality options of the other main 3.

As for other posts, I don't see them fighting anyone called “the devil”. I don't think we're going to see real life ghosts. Hitler the ghost isn't going to appear, it's a comedy still, Hitler was a savage killer who killed thousands and thousands of people.

I think it'd be cool if in the Video Game mythos you mixed your favorite parts of the films with your favorite parts of The Real Ghostbusters. Sam Hain would be amazing.

P.S. maybe give Vigo his moment of fame in the next one since he's kind of mocked in this game a little, make him super badass but only a villain you battle midway through.

by ilikethecoke

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm real convinced if there's a sequel it'll be about the Rookie's new team.

Or it could be about Real Ghostbusters.

by Verdic

15 years, 8 months ago

I'll agree with the rookie and spreading the franchise in Chicago. What I am getting sick of hearing about is the Real Ghostbusters. Let's get something straight with a quickness eh?

First of all, the Real Ghostbusters was a low blow to the original actors. It was a scheme from the other holders of the franchise to try and continue the franchise WITHOUT them. None of what happens in that cartoon is canon. None of it is canon. None. Nada.

While references to RBG are fun and charming the canon story line that is being continued by this video game should not come out with a sequel dealing with the Real Ghostbusters cartoon series. Sorry if i'm upsetting alot of toon Busters out there, but i'm also entitled to my opinion. I'd prefer to defend the canon of the concept.

by demonaz

15 years, 8 months ago

An expanded franchise with the rookie would be interesting, with the rookie probably a little more battle-hardened now. I would like to have Ray and Winston back as mentors, I don't know, but those two would seem like a very enthusiastic duo who I could see mentoring cadets at a new franchise.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 8 months ago

I agree, a sequel would most likely have to do with the rookie setting up a franchise in some other big city, my money would be on L.A. or Chicago or something like that. He'd probably have a team of all new guys and be in close touch with Egon who would have to be providing new equipment or Ray who would basically be doing the same thing.

The inherent problem with a sequel to the game is that without the four original Ghostbusters, you lose a lot of what makes the series funny. Yeah, it might be possible to find four other characters (or three if they make the Rookie talk) with good interplay, but they say lightning rarely strikes the same place twice.

There are other issues, but we'll cross those bridges when we come to them.

Honestly, I'd be MUCH MUCH MUCH happier seeing additional downloadable mission packs than a sequel. I know that would be next to impossible, considering that you'd need to get all the guys back together for voice work, but it could be worked around.

Please don't ruin Ghostbusters with a hairbrained ‘lets make some monay’ sequel.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

as much as i want a second game, i think we should just be happy that we got this one. i dont know aobut u guys but i dont wanna go through all the crap we had to go through for this one.