Ghostbusters the video game two theories.

by demonaz

15 years, 8 months ago

as much as i want a second game, i think we should just be happy that we got this one. i dont know aobut u guys but i dont wanna go through all the crap we had to go through for this one.

True, but this is all in theory

by Ectofiend

15 years, 8 months ago

Ah but there's the rub - Video games such as this one are the only avenue we have for Ghostbusters “sequels” proper, meaning vintage Dan/Harold/Bill/Ernie/Annie…The best were going to get via live action is “mentor” roles, and that is if it even gets made…And I HIGHLY doubt we'll ever get a CGI movie, as awesome as that could be…

The actors themselves may be old, and not necessarily want to strap on those heavy packs, but the characters still have ALOT of life left in them, and the story avenues are endless…And they loved revisiting the characters, even it it was just voicing them…

Doing a “franchise game” would kill the OGB possibilities, that is a game featuring all 4 in active starring roles…One maybe…And it would probably be just Dan…

What I'm saying is that, at least to me the video game we have is my surrogate “GB3” - That is, the GB3 we SHOULD have gotten way back when…And the possibility of further sequels-adventures featuring the GB's as I remember them - As WE remember them - is too good to pass up…Especially as that time has passed for that type of live-action endeavor…

Sure - a “franchise” game would be undoubtably fun…But give me “GB 4-6” in game form first…So much the better as it's interactive :-)…And drop in the fact that “GB3” is supossed to be a “passing of the torch” film…So after that - No more OGB's…

So give me at least a few more adventures with the original boys huh? (*peter):-)…


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago


I have to agree with Ectofiend. Wile I would enjoy another game or move, I don't really want one unless the four guys are present and in uniform….even if it is only one last time.

New guys are fine, but the original four has chemistry, they almost grew up together and they work well with each other even if there are moments of anger.

I don't want to move on to a new group just yet. I just want to have a few more adventures.

by flameboy2

15 years, 8 months ago

I would personally be very happy with a game based on the rookie and a new team. Sure, I'd love further games with the original cast and a game where we can play AS the original cast, but it just seems unlikely to happen. If my choice is to bust ghosts as a new team in another location or never have an opportunity to buts ghosts again at all, I'd choose the Rookie.

I love the fact the new game was like the 3rd film we never had and thoroughly enjoyed it, but I don't mind if there are future games that break the coninuity if, again, I can enjoy the experience of been a ghostbuster through a videogame. If the news of a 3rd movie comes to life then the game will no longer need to be a 3rd movie as we'll have a 3rd movie and the games could take a whole other direction, aslong as it stays true to the basic concept of ghosts, humour and an interesting storyline.

I don't think it would ruin the chance of another OGB game if they didn't move the events of the Rookie game too far forward in a time line, keep it going parrallel to other activities and perhaps have communication with someone at the ghostbusters headquaters (Jenine for example) just giving brief phrases like “they've been called too….to do….” so we're aware they are still very much active in New York.

Just an idea, I know other won't be keen on this suggestion which is understandable, but thought I'd post it.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 8 months ago

I think a lot of this speculation kind of begs the question; what is it one likes about Ghostbusters in the first place? Would the series have been as good if it was four other actors? Would it have been as good if it was written by someone else? Heck, when they remake the film in 2050 who'll go see it (hint: not me)?

I guess what I mean is, it's possible for a sequel, but is that _REALLY_ what we want?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Ayame Ex_Goddess;150284
I think a lot of this speculation kind of begs the question; what is it one likes about Ghostbusters in the first place? Would the series have been as good if it was four other actors? Would it have been as good if it was written by someone else? Heck, when they remake the film in 2050 who'll go see it (hint: not me)?

I guess what I mean is, it's possible for a sequel, but is that _REALLY_ what we want?

I think it revolves around one answer and that is…..Only if it is done right.

What do I mean by right? Like I said,it has to have the same flavor as Ghostbusters. Sure you can add a few things here and advance things along to make things more….modern, but if it stays too far from the original, then you have something that only seems like a cheap knock off to make money.

In some rare occasions it can work if it strays a little, but it has to have the other things intact.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 8 months ago

If Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson weren't charismatic actors who played interesting roles, none of us would be here because it wouldn't have been a good movie.

…But I'm also an EGB fan.

So the way I see it, the concept of comedy stories about exterminators who catch ghosts via particle physics absolutely has legs beyond the four founders, we're not married to them. But the new characters DO have to be genuinely GOOD.

by robbritton

15 years, 8 months ago

If Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Hudson weren't charismatic actors who played interesting roles, none of us would be here because it wouldn't have been a good movie.

…But I'm also an EGB fan.

So the way I see it, the concept of comedy stories about exterminators who catch ghosts via particle physics absolutely has legs beyond the four founders, we're not married to them. But the new characters DO have to be genuinely GOOD.


*Ten character limit? Sheesh!*

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 8 months ago

Maybe I'm just jaded because I didn't like EGB. It's not the concept I'm against per say, but the presentation was -in my opinion- pathetic. It seemed to play more like an after school special on tolerance than to what makes the Ghostbusters premise good.

I just keep picturing people like Adam Sandler and Vince Vaugn trying to be Ghostbusters and truly, it makes me sick.

by TheRazorsEdge

15 years, 8 months ago

Your interpretation of EGB sounds hastily made, based on inadequate exposure to the material. To my recollection (and I could be a little off, it's been a few months since I last watched my DVDs of the show) there was maybe one episode ever about racial tolerance, the one with the golem protecting the synagogue from anti-semites.

The vast majority of the show's plots centered entirely around nothing more than good character interaction, establishing their personalities and having them grow and change over time, apropos of nothing beyond good, perfectly ordinary storytelling and entertainment, like any other well done animated program of modern sensibilities (which is to say, it wasn't some shallow kid's show like, say…the later years of RGB)

In fact, Garrett's wheelchair, the thing that seems to annoy people the most, was more than anything used as a source of comedic gags or to give him a reason to deliver a silly quip like “Oh god, I can't feel my legs” after a crash, not to deliver some sort of “handicapable” message. Of the new team, he was the most similar to Venkman.

Calling it “pathetic” proves to me you never saw the whole run, or if you did, weren't paying attention or don't remember much about it. The political correctness complaints are really shallow, first impression crap, and the show has real depth you clearly never attempted to see.