ghostbusters toy ideas

by Newecto-1

17 years, 9 months ago

I've actually came up with 2 ideas 3rd and 4th idea coming soon

1. Ecto-1/Ecto-1A go cart(got idea from LCrew13's ectomobile replica)
working lights
video player
working sirens
realistic interior

2.Ghostbusters Firehouse playhouse
working lights
containment unit
big enoght to fit Ecto-1 go cart

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Once I was gonna sculpt a figure head of Siggy Weaver and place it on a barbie doll. But I thought it'd just be easier to buy the barbie and pretend it's Dana.

by ViolentG

17 years, 9 months ago

Once I was gonna sculpt a figure head of Siggy Weaver and place it on a barbie doll. But I thought it'd just be easier to buy the barbie and pretend it's Dana.

Moe Szyslak
Here comes the Mo… with a pretty girl… 'cause these are things that happened, in reeeall liiiife.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Once I was gonna sculpt a figure head of Siggy Weaver and place it on a barbie doll. But I thought it'd just be easier to buy the barbie and pretend it's Dana.

Moe Szyslak
Here comes the Mo… with a pretty girl… 'cause these are things that happened, in reeeall liiiife.

Mod Edit: Could you refrain from making posts that only contain quotes? The above post would be fine if you'd included a comment but like typing only ‘lol’, or a post being a single emoticon it doesn't really contribute much and could be technically classified as spam. It's nothing personal - Kingpin

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

WTF, what is a Mo Szyslak, where'd that quote come from? Another thread?

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

Mod Edit: Could you refrain from making posts that only contain quotes? The above post would be fine if you'd included a comment but like typing only ‘lol’, or a post being a single emoticon it doesn't really contribute much and could be technically classified as spam. It's nothing personal - Kingpin

Ben, again, you are hurting my feelings “snif”

joking lol


by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Mod Edit: Could you refrain from making posts that only contain quotes? The above post would be fine if you'd included a comment but like typing only ‘lol’, or a post being a single emoticon it doesn't really contribute much and could be technically classified as spam. It's nothing personal - Kingpin

Ben, again, you are hurting my feelings “snif”

joking lol


Fome, I really think you've got better things to be doing then commenting on that post.

I wouldn't mind seeing a new Firehouse set… but given how things go these days it might have to be split into three or more sections and collected to form the whole building.

by fome

17 years, 9 months ago

WTF, what is a Mo Szyslak

lol… :p

it think it's… a member's username?

someone was selling a custom die-cast of the Ecto-1 with working lights… I'd also love if they could make one big enough to fit all 4 Ghostbusters…

like the King of Pop once said (or probably did not even said so since he hardly writes his own lyrics lol) “You are not alone”…

but I prefer to quote Kurt Cobain “I'm not the only one”

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

I bet ViolentG was quoting Moe Syzlak, owner of Moe's Tavern in The Simpsons.

That talk of a light up Ecto reminds me, Fome. If a new Ectomobile toy were to be done… I'd like it to have lights and siren… probably only the siren lights… but that was something I loved from the XGB Ecto-1 toy… and Ectomobile with real flashing lights.

Of course, these days lighting up Packs aren't impossible… although they'd likely need those annoying little watch batteries that cost a fortune.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 9 months ago

Is Moe the one with the dreads voiced by Grammar?