GhostBusters Toys

by GhostBuster-Duo

23 years, 4 months ago

Yo what is your favorite RGB toys? I like the Ecto copter and the Proton pack for role playing

by Spike

23 years, 4 months ago

I used to love my proton pack and trap (the handle broke though).

I liked the firestation and Ecto-1, although I could never quite fit the proton packs in the back (as well as Egon and Peter - Ray and Winston always sat in the front, lol).

by Slimer07

23 years, 4 months ago

I still have all mine. I don't play with them anymore. I got two Proton packs .. one gun lol … one slime pack and gun, one weird gun thingy, 12 figures, the firehouse, the car … everything. ah the memories

by ghostbusta27

23 years, 4 months ago

The proton pack.


by GBFan112

23 years, 4 months ago

This is my second post and I'd like to say hello. I have somethin like 40 figures (some doubles), 2 Fire houses, 6 packs, no guns (they all broke), 2 cars, 2 slime packs, (only 1 gun), and some of those foam poppers.


23 years, 4 months ago

yer gonna love this one guys…3 houses, 4 packs, two slime packs one popper, 3 traps, 150 figures, 13 cars, and a partridge in a pair tree….

by sg1star

23 years, 4 months ago

well i got a whole lot i got 2 sets one that i play with and the other i keep safe, i also got prototypes of egons lab, ecto glow copter and the frie truck that they dident realse, had to trade my luke skywalker fig for them but i think it was worth it, heres less then half my colletion there was a water leak in my room so i had to unpack the boxes that were in here and check them i got like 10 more boxes in the other room, lucky no water leak in there, and yes all of them were ok.

by GBFan112

23 years, 3 months ago

wow… I've been looking for those three items for years… and to no avail. Your real lucky to get those.

by d_osborn

23 years, 3 months ago

sg1star…..what is that “dodge in the dark” toy in the lower right hand of the collection. i've never seen that. just curious. also, what does egon's lab look like?

by Mike

23 years, 3 months ago

sg1star … Do you have any pictures of the photoypes of Egon's lab, copter, and firetruck? If so, can ya PLEASE send them to me. My email address is
Thanks a bunch!