Ghostbusters UK

by maskedshuuyu

17 years, 7 months ago

I think if something happened to the Republic of Ireland, you should just let them rot (*peter)

by misfit1

17 years, 7 months ago

(Or would they prefer the Torchwood Institute?)

B.P.R.D have everyone covered.

by Nix

17 years, 7 months ago

(Or would they prefer the Torchwood Institute?)

B.P.R.D have everyone covered.

But for everything else, there's Alucard.

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 7 months ago

There is no problem with the statement itself, because YOU are the one who is interpreting the message as claiming that Ireland is part of the UK.

It isn't, merely stating that Ghostbusters of UK serve those areas.

by sinister1

17 years, 7 months ago

Hi, I was just wondering why is it that in the Ghostbusters UK signature, it says “Ghostbusters UK, serving the entirety of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland”, when Ireland is not a part of the UK?

Sorry I just find this to be a bit offensive.


Perhaps this is something you should have PM'd me about Shauna as it's not an official GBN signiture it is something that lies solely with Kingpin and myself.

That aside, I am myself half Irish. My father is from Eire as his entire side if the family. I really don't see why it's offensive, “Northern Ireland” note the “Northern” bit, it's still Ireland. As is the Republic of Ireland. Both are Ireland. So this referring to Ireland itself refers to both. Now if you *truely* want to risk making this an international incident, we can just remove all support for the republic and only serve Northern Ireland. But you may also notice that the signiture says “We'll also do Europe if you pay us enough” and last I checked Europe is not apart of the UK (although it's only a matter of time before we rule over them… muhahaha *ahem*).

Either way, until recently Eire was apart of the UK and I see no reason to discriminate against it by saying they can't have protection against the paranormal, do you?

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

(although it's only a matter of time before we rule over them… muhahaha *ahem*).

Or they rule over us…

Bloody Labour government.

Whilst we're talking geneology, I'm a quarter Irish on my father's mother's side.

That said, an Irish Ghostbusting franchise would be an interesting concept given how many ghost stories revolve around the Emerald Isle. Not only that but would they have a vehicle like those use by the Royal Ulster Constabulary?