Ghostbusters Video Game Launch Party With AZ Ghostbusters 6/15/2009 Glendale, AZ

by jettajeffro

15 years, 8 months ago

Join GameStop, The Salvation Army, and The Arizona Ghostbusters to help celebrate the release of “Ghostbusters The Video Game” on Monday June 15th. The Arizona Ghostbusters will be on hand for a meet and greet and to help collect donations for the Salvation Army. Raffles for prizes benefitting the Salvation Army, Free Popcorn, Face Painting and screenings of “Ghostbusters” 1 and 2 will be followed with the release of the video game for purchase at Midnight.

5707 W Northern Ave # 105, Glendale, AZ 85301

7 PM - 12 AM

by dronein7g

15 years, 8 months ago

GAHHHH i wish the game stop in my crap hole town would do something like this!!!! but then again i am the only gb in my town which SUCKS ASS

by jettajeffro

15 years, 8 months ago

We were actually trying to work with local Best Buys but they didn't seem interested and especially not in linking a charity fundraiser with it. Out of the blue GameStop contacted us and already had everything set up.

You should approach your store and hang out there that night. You might be able to get some more team members.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 7 months ago

Less than 2 weeks to go. Our GameStop is still leading with the most pre-orders for the game in the country. Ironcially enough the store with the 2nd most pre-orders is also in Arizona. Must be alot more GB fans out here than we thought. The turnout is looking to be really good.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 7 months ago

Just got confirmation a video game semi-trailer will be at the event with various game inside and will be completely FREE. Pizza will also be available. The GameStop wristbands, wallets, and belt buckles will be the main raffle items as well as other GB items including the DVD sets. At our booth we will be selling Crunch Bars, Twinkies, and Stay-Puft Marshmallow bags all benfitting the Salvation Army.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Man I wish our local 'Stops were that devoted to preorder parties.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 7 months ago

The trick is to find a store where the manager isn't dead inside.

Also, if the entire staff is behind something, that helps a lot.

Btw, jettajeffro, good luck on what will undoubtedly be a fun event for all!

by demonaz

15 years, 7 months ago

Can you believe here in the nyc/nj tristate area nothing big is going on….if there is I haven't heard of anything. A shame, really.

Wish I was in AZ during release because that looks fun!

by jettajeffro

15 years, 7 months ago

Thanks everyone.

The GameStop we're working with does several big releases a year. They have with all of the Star Wars games and have the local Rebel and 501st legions come out and always attach a charity to them. I've been in contact with the manager almost everyday and he is very dedicated to these events serving the double purpose of promoting the game and helping a charity as well. The entire store has been covered in GB posters and they've been showing all of the various game trailers on a loop in the store. Every employee has been in some kind of GB shirt for the last month.

The Dallas GB's event is looking equally awesome with Ernie Hudson, the big blow up Marshmallow Man and the real Ecto. It does almost seem a crime something isn't happening in New York but who knows, maybe there is some big secret plan.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 7 months ago

Here's the most updated list of activities at the event and schedule:

*MOBILE GAME CAVE: The mobile game cave will be providing a 24 ft trailer with four 50 inch tv's. They will be displaying family friendly titles. This will be set-up in the parking lot opposite Gamestop.

*MOVIES ON THE GO: They will be providing a 20ft screen and projector to run Ghostbusters 1 and 2.

GHOST BASHING for kids 12 and under @ 8pm and 10pm (GHOST PINATA's FILLED w/ Candy)
GHOST HUNTING w/ the Ghostbusters (Hula-hoop toss onto a volunteer in a Ghost Sheet– think a human ring toss)
GHOST TOSS - Toss ghost shaped sponges into a trap.

4 GB Wristbands
2 GB Wallets
1 Ghostbusters Belt buckle.
1 copy of Ghostbusters on Blu-ray (for pick-up after Tuesday)
Grand Prize 1 copy of video game for system of choice

7:00 pm: Event starts
7:00 pm: Movies start
7:30 pm: Raffle drawings start, continue every half-hour
11:00 pm: Ghostbusters trivia
11:45 pm: Line-up for video game purchase
11:50 pm: GRAND PRIZE prize drawing.
12:01 am: Game pick-up
12:30 am: Mobile Game Cave shuts down
1:00 am: Based on flow Gamestop closes