Ghostbusters videogame/pixel art...

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

I used Gamemaker5.

by misfit1

19 years, 8 months ago

Just a quick suggestion for ya. How about making used traps smoke and spark? that way ya know which ones have been spent, as the used and new traps both look the same

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

How's this?

Also,any comments on the mini game?

by slimer3881

19 years, 8 months ago

that looks cool, you da man!

by Dr.D

19 years, 8 months ago

Do you mean the mini arcade game in the firehouse, I thought it was pretty funny.

by misfit1

19 years, 8 months ago

How's this?

Also,any comments on the mini game?


by MasterSpider

19 years, 8 months ago

Haha dude this is pretty amazing. When I turned on the stereo and it played Savin' The Day I lost it. You're doing a pretty good job. I have a few suggestions for ya:

Maybe a run, or a sprint or something when you hold a certain key down, a “run button.”

If you have time after completion, I'd say put the other guys in as secret characters or something, I assume that'll be what you'll get the most complaints about because other than that it's too bad no one attempted this for Super Nintendo.

I really really like the trapping and cleaning system you made, it's pretty smart, it's a wonder no one ever thought of this it's a really entertaining game. But my only real problems with it are the running and a jump which I can't seem to figure out how to do. Other than that, great job, this is the best thing game wise anyone's pumped out here in years…

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

Well, after much thought(or is that “not that much”)I've decided to let you all have a sneak peak at the first boss…..KillerWatt.

by Dr.D

19 years, 8 months ago

Is that from sonic, it looks like a robotnik robot

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

It was pieced together from some parts of one…geesh expose all my secrets. :p