Ghostbusters videogame/pixel art...

by Dr.D

19 years, 8 months ago


by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

I think this game is off to a great start. It's really awsome! I like the little PKE meter in the corner and the trap animation and stuff is great! I also like the ghost cloning machine thing. Nice way to practice. I do have one issue though. You can only fire in one direction. Is it possible to fire in different direction? Like shooting up, down, to the left and the right. Stuff like that would add a lot to the game. Other than that i think it's damn good.

I like the idea of having the Citizen Ghost ghosts as parto f the main story. Will the other members make an appearance? Maybe have the ability to switch between them?

by MasterSpider

19 years, 8 months ago

As of right now he says no, Egon will be the only playable character, but the other guys make appearances…

by JohnnySparks

19 years, 8 months ago

The game is lookin great, congrats on your work up to this date! keep it up!

by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

Master Spider
As of right now he says no, Egon will be the only playable character, but the other guys make appearances…

Oh thats too bad. It will be good that they show up though. Perhaps when this is all done he'll release a version for each character. It would only mean switching sprites and maybe some text re-work.

by Peters_Ecto_1

19 years, 8 months ago

OMG!!!! I'm an avid Mac user and after seeing this game, I just want to run out and get a PC so I can play it! (played it on the school compters). I can't wait till a full version comes out! Im excited!!!!! I know that this is a beta demo and you are probably aware of these things, but here is what I found while playing it.

Small bugs to report:

I lost one of my traps beyond the ghost replicator and couldnt walk far enough to go get it.

When you are facing left, you have your nutrino want in hand, but when you are facing right, it's just your PKE meter.

Whenever you go to fire, if you are facing left, you do an automatically turn right.

Whenever you stun the ghost and walk past, after he becomes unstuned he keeps going away from you until you fire, then he just jumps infront of you like he was there all along.

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 8 months ago

will there be a demo update coming out at anytime??? this demo is great!

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

I'm still working out some of the bugs,but I hope to have an update for you all soon.

by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

I can't wait until the demo goes outside the HQ.

So how will the game work exactly? Like how will you get calls to go on busts? How will you empty traps when on the job?

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

How will you empty traps when on the job?
You'll swap out traps at the car.

And just to tease you all a little here are some new screens…