Ghostbusters videogame/pixel art...

by Dr.D

19 years, 8 months ago

Could you make it so you could use the fire pole if you walk up to it? PLEASE!

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 8 months ago

are you going to put a driving level in it….almost every GB game has had a driving level except the one for SEGA Genesis…

i love everything your doing haha

by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

Oh cool!!!!!!!!! I love it! Great detail in the fire house alone.

Will Slimer or Stay Puft make an appearance?

Will we see any other famous ghosts like say the Scalary Brothers or Sam Haine or anyone like that?

If people can make ghost soprites for you, would you be willing to use them in theg ame or is this like your big project that you want to do alone?

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

If people can make ghost soprites for you, would you be willing to use them in theg ame or is this like your big project that you want to do alone?
I'd really like to see the ideas people might have for ghouls and would most diffenitly try to put ‘em in the game.As for the bigger baddies…uh…I plead the Fifth…

btw: I’m planning on not releasing a “full” game but rather “episodes”(about two levels in length, and they will follow a central storyline)…so expect Episode-1 “The Call” in a week or so…

by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

NEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a much beter idea because that way people can play the game without having to wait an endless amount of time for a full version.

Will you be able to save your progress? Like if you have a saved game from “The Call” can you take that saved file and use it to continue with the next epsiode?

by misfit1

19 years, 8 months ago

btw: I'm planning on not releasing a “full” game but rather “episodes”(about two levels in length, and they will follow a central storyline)…so expect Episode-1 “The Call” in a week or so…

Woah, this is potentially bad! Unless you're working on some kinda program where you can update the game other then install each level seperately then I think this has the potential to be very bad..

For example..Lets look at the humble twinkie. Imagine your computer as a refridgerator. Now…Lets say each episode is a twinkie roughly around the size of a foot and a half. and lets say you have 10 of these twinkies..thats more gonna take up quite a bit of space in your refridgerator.
Wouldnt it be better to have one big twinkie to save space?

Unless you have a system set up where you can just extend the size of an existing twinkie..

urgh too many twinkies.. (*egon)

Also if you're going the episodic route I think a few more levels may be called for in each release. Unless these levels you have in mind are rather big, It could get frustrating.
(also the save game issue that was brought up)

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

Actually I was thinking of making each episode a stand alone game(sorry no pastry)…

by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

Oh, well if that is the case more levels reallys is needed. I mean 2 levels isn't a very big game.

I think it would be good to have each new episode attach to the last like was said. That or do the saved game thing. You could also use passwords. Like you can only play episode 2 if you beat episode 1. Otherwise it could get rather boring with only 2 levels per game.

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 8 months ago

i agree…password is a great idea..way shit worked in the old school days baby! haha back with NES and SEGA genisis! in the game that shall be released soon are there going to be any new weapons or anything? and is the boss the boss that u showed us before?

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 8 months ago

anything new or recent to this project?? havent heard any news in a while