Ghostbusters videogame/pixel art...

by Dr.D

19 years, 8 months ago

Keep up the good work! (*peter) :-)

by jinks1138

19 years, 8 months ago

Great work. Being able to talk to the other Ghostbusters is nice. It gives it a slight RPG feel. Peter's comment about being slimed not be good for his health made laugh :-)

by slimer3881

19 years, 8 months ago

havent had new news in a while… :-(

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

havent had new news in a while… :-(
You do know that demo version 0.1a is up now right?

by slimer3881

19 years, 8 months ago


by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

Oh I didn't realize stuff had been changed!

I like the opening and did you make that fire house from scratch???? It looks REALLY cool. I am wondering why you didn't put the no ghost symbol as the oh for the title.

I like the ability to talk to the characters and have them tell you stuff like where the traps are and that you need a trap to work the machine. Very nice. I LOVE the use of the pole. It makes getting around easier. I also love the new smoking trap. Very good addition. It also looks like there is a slime vent in the CU. Is that new?

It's really looking like an actual arcade game. i like it. I assume Janine will be the one to give you the missions? If so I like. I hope each mission starts with a short animated driving sequence with all 4 GB's and then having everyone split up when they get to the call. That would be cool.

I can't wait to see what you do next with it!

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 8 months ago

o wow that is a really good idea i wouldnt mind seeing that either

by the_blessed_freak51

19 years, 8 months ago

Oh I didn't realize stuff had been changed!

I like the opening and did you make that fire house from scratch???? It looks REALLY cool. I am wondering why you didn't put the no ghost symbol as the oh for the title.

No, the Fire House is from the end of Code-Ecto1 (GBA),and I don't know why I didn't put the logo in the title(as the “O”)…

I like the ability to talk to the characters and have them tell you stuff like where the traps are and that you need a trap to work the machine. Very nice. I LOVE the use of the pole. It makes getting around easier. I also love the new smoking trap. Very good addition. It also looks like there is a slime vent in the CU. Is that new?

Yes, the slime vent is new…

It's really looking like an actual arcade game. i like it. I assume Janine will be the one to give you the missions? If so I like. I hope each mission starts with a short animated driving sequence with all 4 GB's and then having everyone split up when they get to the call. That would be cool.

I can't wait to see what you do next with it!

That's exactly what I had in mind…

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 8 months ago

YES!! that is awesome!! is there going to be any situations where there will be a driving level??? i really enjoyed the driving levels in both “Code: Ecto 1” and “Ghostbusters II” ….

everything looks great on the update..i think the way you did the characters is awesome

this game shall own all!!!

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 8 months ago

Anyone else noticed it's easier to get money by playing the arcade game over and over than trapping and dropping off ghosts? I sure did…