Ghostbusters videogame/pixel art...

by pfflyerboy

18 years, 10 months ago

Have you incorporated these new features into the file already, or are they just something to interest people? Also, I think an intro kind of like the one from the original ghostbusters would be really cool. Yours is similar, and really god, but I still think you can improve upon what you have. Can't wait to see a finished copy.

by the_blessed_freak51

18 years, 10 months ago

Have you incorporated these new features into the file already, or are they just something to interest people? Also, I think an intro kind of like the one from the original ghostbusters would be really cool. Yours is similar, and really god, but I still think you can improve upon what you have. Can't wait to see a finished copy.
Well,as you can see from the screenshot a few posts above I still have the old player sprites in the game (haven't finished adding the new “Egon Head” to all the frames).As for the the new backgrounds, yes they're “incorporated” in to the file…

Hey,would anyone know if I could get ahold of the RGB theme without the sound effects?

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 10 months ago

ouucchhh thats gonna be a little hard to find (;_

by slimer3881

18 years, 10 months ago

try that. im not sure if its what your lookin for.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 10 months ago

it sounds pretty good to me

minus the dialogue and if u just loop it you got good level music or menu music

whatever u want to use it for


by Kingpin

18 years, 10 months ago

Work in progress… WORK IN PROGRESS!

Sorry… just a few people think the dialogue was left there deliberately… the ‘final’ version will have as little dialogue as humanly possible.

by misfit1

18 years, 10 months ago

Hey TBK, Do you have an editable version of your evil dead game available for download? I'd love to make a side scrolling beat-em up with GM6.1, and yours looks like a pretty solid base to work from. This may sound like lazyness but I cant find a decent side scrolling beat-em up tutorial anywhere. If you have a problem with releasing Back to the boondocks in editable form, which I totally understand.Because it's your hard work. Could you possibly point me towards a tutorial on the web.


by the_blessed_freak51

18 years, 10 months ago

Here's some more Ecto sprites…

Hey TBK, Do you have an editable version of your evil dead game available for download? I'd love to make a side scrolling beat-em up with GM6.1, and yours looks like a pretty solid base to work from. This may sound like lazyness but I cant find a decent side scrolling beat-em up tutorial anywhere. If you have a problem with releasing Back to the boondocks in editable form, which I totally understand.Because it's your hard work. Could you possibly point me towards a tutorial on the web.


When I have some time I'll strip down “BTB” and release it in an editable form…

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 10 months ago


that is swweeeeettt :-O

we still on for a demo :p

by the_blessed_freak51

18 years, 10 months ago

It's taking a little longer than expected to work out some buggs in the animation…