Ghostbusters vs. The Evil Dead

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 10 months ago

Very true indeed.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 10 months ago

Crossing the Streams
PLEASE don't use the “zombie” word. They're totally not zombies, dude. They're “deadites”. Zombies are animated corpses

Though most of the monsters in these movies are demoncally possessed people, there are some exeptions. The old lady in the basement in EDII was a re-animated corpse. She even had maggots crawling on her skull when she popped out of the ground. Not to mention Evil Ash's army in the third film.
And he did after all say zombie-like, meaning that they resemble them in some ways, but aren't the same type of creature.

she did however turn into a crazy demonic creature so that actually would make a difference if we were to label Henrietta (the old lady's name) a zombie.

But, she was a “animated corpse” at the same time so this is quite a quarrel…

let's see where this debate goes.



There is no debate. They're not zombies. They're zombie-like, yes, but so are Wal-Mart employees. There's no reason to call them zombie-like (especially when they have a proper name: deadites) just because they have similar traits. Generally speaking, in modern horror/sci-fi (a la Romero) a zombie is a soulless, dead body re-animated by scientific, or supernatural means. Usually this is accompanied by severe brain damage, and some physical deterioration. I.E., they're dumb and slow-moving. Deadites however (and sure they can be corpses, but it's unnecessary) are possessed by demonic spirits, and therefore have intelligence, supernatural strength, et cetera. Zombies cannot “swallow your soul!,” or float in mid-air.

It's not a big deal of course, and I try not to worry about semantics too much, but in the last few years “zombies” have really become über-trendy, over-used, and frankly over-rated. I feel like they (as a concept) have become tainted or abused somehow, and just wish people would use the term zombie more conservatively, and not obsess over them. Whenever people talk about zombies anymore they get this glazed-over look in their eyes, "like OMG look at those zombies! Sweeeeet!" And then you've got all these Hollywood zombie movies, and internet zombie videos, and it's just zombie-this! and zombie-that! It just gets annoying is all. Too much….

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 10 months ago

When a Zombie movie is made named Flight of the Dead…then its gone to fair. Oh. Wait. That movie has already been made.

“I want these mother fucking Zombies off of this Mother Fucking Plane”

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

Unless the zombie film is made by Romero, I'm most likely not going to watch it. I've seen so many crappy zombie films, I've just about had it. Romero is the man to see zombie films.

But back on topic. They are NOT zombies. Referring to them as such will probably make people think you don't know your stories too well.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 10 months ago

That time travel idea sounds interesting. Wouldn't it be funny if Ash was the one who cut of Vigo's head?

I really don't care very much for that idea really. It doesn't seem to me like it would fit in with Vigo's Backstory but that idea just doesn't seem set well with me.

How about this…

I call it the Bishop scenario

An alternate time-line Ash from a post apocalypic future goes back in time to stop the ghostbusters believing them to be the ones who unleashed the unholy nightmare of the future upon the world?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 10 months ago

Actually that would be interesting to involve Vigo… he was a magician… the story could start off with him being carted to Egypt via his followers in search of the Necronomicon in the tombs of the mad Abdul Alhazred (, and that's how he gets his powers… or something. And dumbbell Ash gets involved somehow. I dunno. It's your story, and that's my suggestion.

by GhostbustersSpooktacular

16 years, 10 months ago

The Vigo quip was a joke, but the Necronomicon idea is interesting. I also like the future Ash idea. What if by stopping the Ghostbusters he actually causes the apocalypse? Then the GB's would have to deal with the situation.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 10 months ago

What about this:
By stopping them, Ash caused a Paradox which in turn causes a rift in the space time continuum (or some other techno babble). This rifts existance begins a convergence of two realities (the world of the Ghostbusters and the Origin realm of the entities popularly known as the deadites). Not only do the Ghostbusters have to deal with the Deadites in their original forms as their world begins to merge with ours, they must reverse the damage already done / caused by Ash…in the end they team up and “kick some ass and chew bubble gum at the same time…and their all outta gum.”

by Zombie

16 years, 10 months ago

I think that calling them “Deadites” isn't any better either, if they are demoncially possessed and not dead or undead.

Most people usually think of zombies as the thypical Romero-type creature, a flesh-eating corpse.
But to me a zombie is a corpse that is brought back to life, regardless if the cause is radiation from a fallen satellite or demonic possession.
If the corpse is still moving and walking even after it's heart has stopped and it body is continuing to decay then it's a zombie.

There are many types of zombies, just like there are different classes of ghosts.
Just because a zombie doesn't eat flesh, it's still a zombie.
Before Night Of the living dead came along, zombies were created by voodoo and used for labour.
In old horror comics such as EC from the 50's, zombies never ate people either, they came back to revenge their deaths, or complete a unfinished task that prevented them from resting in peace. This kind still has it's memory intact and in some cases are still capable of speaking.
And then we have the ones who are a bit like the classic Haitian ones, in that they are under some mind-control and forced to obey a master.

I don't see how a S-mart employee is a zombie. Are they under some mind-control? Are they walking corpses?

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

The S-Mart ‘zombies’ remark was just a joke, I'm sure. The quip about retail workers being zombies. Such a joke was made in Shaun of the Dead, that the supermarket workers were effectively zombies because of their lifeless appearance and almost complete lack of higher brain functions. :p

I'd held back on commenting on this, for one as there's been an attempt to cross over Evil Dead with Ghostbusters and it was never finished. Second… I guess it's both the bit about Winston slowly being possessed, and Ash still working for S-Mart after all that's happened. I guess I just can't really see him still working there after the she-witch he shot at the store in the alternate ‘happy’ ending to Medievil Dead (I refuse to call it ‘Army of Darkness’, and I hate it that they gave the comic that title).

I guess it's probably because I view him as loosing his job after that shootout at S-Mart, and becoming a demon-slaying nomad much like how he's been portrayed in the comic as of late. A bit like the Winchester brothers.