Ghostbusters YouTube Thread

by Venkman582

17 years, 9 months ago

Here's the music video for Bobby Brown's On Our Own from Ghostbusters II

Yet another item that should have been put on the DVD, along with the deleted scenes, and Run DMC's music video.

Also here is an add for Kenner's RGB toys featureing Fright Features Peter and Winston along with the Firehouse and the Tombstone Tackle and X Cop figures.
Also there is a great add for Hasbro's GI Joe Tiger Force figures and vehicles afterwards.

Also this one has many RGB toys featured, I think it's from 1987 since it
has the Proton Pack and the Fright Features figures it.

by georgie_o

17 years, 8 months ago

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH they've taken all the episodes off for violation!! Nooooooooooo…………
I could understand this if they were all available on dvd, but they're not. D'oh his isn't any good.

by doctorvenkman1

17 years, 8 months ago


very cool 2005 Ghostbusters Q & A with Ernie Hudson and Harold Ramis.

Thanks to fome and Gh0stbuster…


That was amazing. Simply amazing. Great stuff in there. I loved Ernie's bit about “well originally I came in on page 8, after the re-write I came in on page 60.” I would really be interested to have seen the movie with Winston introduced that early and with so many apparently great lines.

by rgbforever

17 years, 8 months ago

I KNOW…my only hope is that the only reason why they were removed is because they are indeed, PLANNING on putting them on DVD VERY VERY SOON…if not, it's totally ridiculous why they were removed…what's the point?

Some of the videos have remained (glew's and eddyyongs videos that are whole episodes) so I really don't understand the strategy here…

Anybody have any other place on the net to find/watch RGB episodes? This sucks…

by spengs1

17 years, 8 months ago

I doubt it, I was asked by Sony's legal department to take down season 1 and other pictures (many were from RGB) which were in violation of copyright, etc on June 8, 2007.

No season sets yet, nothing has been hinted at anywhere. Of course somebody could ask the right department by email. If it would do any good. I suppose it would confirm that our dreams are shattered…again.

I'm surprised it took this long for You Tube to take down the episodes. That's the funny thing about piracy, people will try to put episodes back on YT. Whether they slip by or get to stay up would be up to YT until Sony sees them again.


You would think its obvious its long overdue to put RGB on DVD the way it was meant to be, someone over there doesn't get it. Or they're not willing to risk the um investment to make the sets as they might not make a profit from it. Its their property and they'll use it as they see fit. :roll:

End (*rant)

by Kingpin

17 years, 8 months ago

I KNOW…my only hope is that the only reason why they were removed is because they are indeed, PLANNING on putting them on DVD VERY VERY SOON…if not, it's totally ridiculous why they were removed…what's the point?

Because they're unsanctioned and are technically breaching copyright…

I want them on DVD as much as the next guy but Sony removing them doesn't mean they're gonna put them onto DVD…

Anybody have any other place on the net to find/watch RGB episodes? This sucks…

You looked in the Ghostbusters Megaupload Topic?

by Pandamar

17 years, 7 months ago

by misfit1

17 years, 7 months ago

I found that pretty funny...


17 years, 7 months ago

A “live” performance of “Higher and Higher”. Its awesome!

by zack1

17 years, 7 months ago

kind of a funny thing if you watch the Jackie Wilson video of the song, there is indeed a toaster in the video.
