had a forum, but where is it?

by Willie

13 years, 6 months ago

The official SONY site,, used to provide a link to a fan forum you could join and write posts on. Some of you must have joined it after it began in 2009.

Today I found something to post to a topic I was involved with long ago. But I had not been to that forum in a while and I lost the link to it in my browsing history, so I went to for the link. But sadly didn't see anything to click for it.

I'm not sure, but I think the link was

If you have it, please tell here what the link was. But since the link is no longer on the official site, then I assume that forum has vanished, lost to history. sad

by jettajeffro

13 years, 6 months ago

About a week after it was down I had heard it was taken down for a security overhaul after the whole PS Network hacking incident, but it's been down for months. Maybe they're revamping it big time because of this re-release?

Spambots got in it way before that and really made a mess of it and drove alot of people away. Last fall they did that big email push to have people post on it. I think alot of people had the fear of posting on an official forum or just wasn't in to posting on an official forum.

by DocFritz

13 years, 6 months ago

The url I had in my bookmarks is this:

It's showing a “Notice: This page is not available at this time” message.

by Willie

13 years, 5 months ago

Thanks for the good info, guys. I appreciate it. smile I had forgotten about the spam topics till that reminder, because I avoided those bogus threads.