Crew Room

by fome

16 years, 12 months ago

Remember when he flipped out and demanded he be named Mr Pink?

with a name like that you don't want me to think that he was gay lol

by Kingpin

16 years, 12 months ago

Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs.

You seriously have a one-track mind.

Holy Hell… that topic was posted back in the day Proton Charger used to frequent this place…

Shudder… I just saw a topic by petervakman123 suggesting a Peter/Janine pairing.

Iain, remember that nutter who defended Saddam Hussain in the feedback for “War That Shook the World”?

by fome

16 years, 12 months ago

Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs.

Tarantino sucks

You seriously have a one-track mind.

look who's talking lol

by Kingpin

16 years, 12 months ago

I'm not the one finding gay connotations in everything.

And Tarentino doesn't suck.

by fome

16 years, 12 months ago

well I'm gay and like pink
and yes he does

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 12 months ago

We've had so many screwed up members in days gone by.

LOL I was one of them. But that Doctor that tried to “help” the Ghostbusters in New York got me sain again. :p

by sinister1

16 years, 12 months ago

Okay, then. You think you have your fair share of odd people here.

LostDoctor is a member of the Doctor Who Forum, which I am a member of. He often posts a number of incoherent topics which feature poor spelling and grammar, and usually deal with superstition (specifically his fears about the End Times/Rapture; one of his threads was entitled “Does the number 666 Scare You?”) and conspiracy theories. If he has anything serious to say, it's rendered unintentionally hilarious by his style.

Think of our own ghostbusters3007 from last year, and you'll get the idea. (He was the one with the signature, “homer simson ghostbusting yaay”.)

Ah! Now I get your reference in the “Who ya gonna call” thread! So you're a major Who fan? I must admit I am a complete Whovian, I've got all of the classic eps that are currently on DVD as well as all the new series stuff.

by Nix

16 years, 12 months ago

Yes, I am. To get a grip on the extent of my Who-fandom, simply take a look at my pic in the “Post a Picture of Yourself” thread–I'm right below Peter Venkmen and his nasty accident.

(I'm also an Evangelion fan, which explains why I compared Kingpin to Gendo a few pages ago. (^_^))

by DocFritz

16 years, 12 months ago

Iain, remember that nutter who defended Saddam Hussain in the feedback for “War That Shook the World”?

Jackalman 99. The one who slagged me one time for using bad language in a story because her “daughter comes by this site” but seemed to support Janine and Kylie having threeways with Egon

GBVA/Mr. Pink/Dan AKA does post quite frequently on GBHQ nowadays. He's a Mod, actually.

Lol…I remember making fun of Garfield-Fanatic in a couple of ideas for GBNuts submissions. “Odie-Worshipper” would come on raving about “Swami Bengala”, get banned, and six minutes later “Nermal-F***er” would sign up raving about “Swami Bengala”

Grife…SamuraiJack came back later as KingdomHearts…and promptly got banned too. It's hard not to hear about the video games without being reminded of that loser and laughing.

One that sticks in my mind though was one who called himself something like LiFeKiLlSmE, before being banned and re-registering under a user name which made sure nobody in a thousand years could figure out it was him:


by mdp872105

16 years, 12 months ago

Don't mind me passing through