Crew Room

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago


Why I see Kingpin in front of the mirror, before answering that? :p

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago

Damn, will you stop laughing you stupid rabbit! (*egon) :p (;_ (*ray) (*janine) :-)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 7 months ago

Ben, I live in Iowa where methanphetamine is king. We took your stereotype years ago.

It was on TV and I had to say something about it… keep in mind it was BBC produced.

You're welcome, by the way. :p

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 7 months ago

Another thing: the more I think about it, the more I hate Dane Cook.

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago

Damn it's boring…………. *lightbulb* (take his back to the futur car and drive a couple months away……….. finaly returning)

Oh, man, I tell you, that ghostbusters game is great! You realy missed something! Boy, actual physical contact!

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago



by jesusfreak1

16 years, 7 months ago

What is this? Moonlighting or something?

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago

Naa, it's only another case of somnambulism :p

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago

Ahhh, life; a conversation about our image, ideas, peace… and it's war. We cry, we're upside down, we sing songs, wish for a better world, start religions… and it's war again; because it was a conversation about our image, ideas, peace… :p

All to see at the end that it was soo pointless. Why can't we just shut our mouth and live… oh, because it'd be useless, we all have a keyboard :p

by newrecruit1

16 years, 7 months ago

Damn drug is stupid… You're young, find fun in everything, have entertaining friends… then you grow up, try to find fun in everything but your friends need to take something to feel fun in something they already like, almost each time! YoU cAn't saY sOmetHinG beCaUSe they'Re ProUd… under their own influence. Now they end in confusion and they ask for forgiveness the day after because they didn't know what they were doing. You find a new place and hope for some peace… and discover that 3/4 of your neighboors are smoking s***; you can't sit outside because 90% of the time, you smell something and you feel numb… and, of course, they don't understand a words when you talk about respect… but do a bad bbq and they will say something about the smell :p
