Crew Room

by newrecruit1

16 years, 6 months ago

WoOo, the “Satan thread” just took the door. The trap door, I mean. Well, it's a ghostbusters site; you may be God, Satan, you're only good for the containment unit (^_^)

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Ouch! Bye bye Satan thread! :-) I was getting annoyed seeing that thread have new posts in it and having nothing but to say, “I don't worship Satan.” Thank goodness it's gone. But the least they could have done was just lock it like the God one. Yea… Where did the Nerd thread go? :S I liked reading that one. Oh well. Mods and their powers. What can we say?

by fome

16 years, 6 months ago

WoOo, the “Satan thread” just took the door. The trap door, I mean. Well, it's a ghostbusters site; you may be God, Satan, you're only good for the containment unit (^_^)

ha ha

btw, I am not laughing at you, I am laughing with you

those threads were kind of fun though

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Yea. They were fun to read. And I did laugh with NR's post as well.

by fome

16 years, 6 months ago

the nerd/geek thread is still there but most of the new messages are gone

by newrecruit1

16 years, 6 months ago

Well, if I have the permission…

Oooo-keyyyy… let me see… I'm here since 2003… mhh or is it 2002, I never remember because of the old board… and you are the first person who has such a negative reaction, Bo.

Now, if it is soo hard for you to get throught my phrases, well I'm not Dr Janosz Poha for nothing, why do you waste your time at reading it?

I don't like what's on tv, I switch channel. I'm sure you do the same.

Hey, aren't you the kind of guy to “choose” who deserve to be in your circle and ignore the rest, because they don't worth much because of their apparence or interests? Why it's like it's impossible for you to do the same here?

But, tell me, between these two choices, do you prefer to read a person who *tries* to put some sense of humor and entertain others, in the tristesse of the life… or do you prefer to read someone who can only turn your emotions into a grey color? Hey, you have also the choice to “ignore” what's on the board.

And, I'm surprised by your reaction. You comments people a lot about what they say towards you. Now, from me, nothing was said to you… oh maybe a joke about the picture, but you're stronger than that Bo, I don't need to explain that to you. I mean, how could you fall that low…

by AdamBestler

16 years, 6 months ago

The Satanist thread had to go eventually. As for the nerd thread, Mjolnir's avatar sums it all up. I asked to have it removed. I couldn't stand to look at it any more, just like some of you couldn't stand to see my Satanist thread.

I have to agree with Bo about one thing. Bombarding each other with our personal convictions only serves to congest the boards and make us look like morons.

Nobody's going to take you seriously when you're ranting like a psychopath. Nobody's going to respect someone that incessantly tries to tell others who they are. Who and what you are is something for you to decide. That's the only message that should be taken from the “Are GB fans nerds” thread. Nobody has any right to brand you, as if you're fucking cattle or something.

It's also important to note that not a single person here has, or ever will, discuss anything that is even remotely interesting. Remember that.

by fome

16 years, 6 months ago

Adam Bestler
It's also important to note that not a single person here has, or ever will, discuss anything that is even remotely interesting.

it might happen, but everyone has different opinions

that's the reason why it is so complicated to peacefully achieve it

by AdamBestler

16 years, 6 months ago

Adam Bestler
It's also important to note that not a single person here has, or ever will, discuss anything that is even remotely interesting.

it might happen, but everyone has different opinions

that's the reason why it is so complicated to peacefully achieve it

That might be true. I'll believe it when I see it.

On the bright side, though, at least I'm doing my best to keep you banana-suckers entertained.

by fome

16 years, 6 months ago

people just don't seem to care… more than 3 months and 0 replies…

everyone was more into the guy claiming about the GB3 CGI trailer