we already have the “health” to keep check of, people don't need another level to worry about that could inadventantly end the game for them.You misunderstand what I was referring to, in addition to the Pack overheating, you also had to watch how much damage you took on, otherwise you were rendered knocked-out.
Then you don't like the “endurance” system because it would be another way to be knocked-out? But, if you have read me, you know you won't be knocked-out when the endurance meter is empty. Play the original game again; when your pack shutdowns under overheat, think it's because of the endurance instead (arms and hands tired of holding the stream), you'll understand one part of the concept. But perhaps you're saying that, like for the overheat the endurance system is an handicap because it shutdowns the particle thrower? This handicap is needed realy, well, the endurance meter for sure.
Now that I'm thinking about it, in “StarWars battlefront”, the precision is reduced after shooting along time, to simulate the pressure made by the energy of the weapon. It could make it even more fun in a ghostbusters game; when shooting a long time and the endurance level gets low, the crosshair starts to shake more and more, adding to the fun of crossing the streams. Well, if the concept is nicely made.
It wasn't, but those are more easy to reconcile… when Peter was slimed by Slimer in the movie, he was moving perfectly fine, not as if he'd been covered in industrial-strength glue.
“industrial glue” ahah why not that too while at it. If the tether was made, then slime can be sticky to different levels. Let see, if a certain type of ghost slimes you with this ability, it would temporarily slow the walk, the other ability would be to temporarily limit your movement (like if you were attached to the floor or wall by an elastic; a slime stretching animation could make this look good), and, in the rare extreme occasion, the last ability will temporarily glue you to the ground, allowing only the option to move the crosshair; the slimeblower could be used on the ground to stop this negative effect or the stasis stream to freeze and break free. It would then add one more interaction between the team, similar to where someone became posessed in the first game, and fun in the multiplayer mode.
I don't see an obstacle if “Fable3”, “Fallout3” were made on a 360 (…), the concept only where you can travel, fight, and (…) go for the objective. (…) some places are large enough to make it interesting. Ghostbusters wouldn't need (…) cutscenes, communication with npc, puzzles to solve, people around, stuff to buy, big story (…); it's travelling in a 3d map, with the program generating random “dual zone” and / one main objective leading to the next /. It's the different type of enemies (…), gameplay, that will make it look interesting.That's because they were budgeted for it and specifically wanted a grand expanding world to explore It's clear that Terminal Reality decided that they'd prefer to concentrate the action to certain areas of the city, amongst other things it allows for a clearer narrative, moving from plot section A to plot section B, rather than A to B via X,Y and Z.
Remember how many missions you undertook in Fallout 3 between reaching Galaxy Radio in the ruins of Washington D.C. and eventually tracking down the character's father's whereabouts to the air craft carrier? A lot of the time the side missions put the main story on hold, which I don't think would've worked as well for Ghostbusters.
Yes, I know it cost money, that they try to fit a project with a budget. Here, we're talking about a new approach for a new type of ghostbusters game, like it was explained. You cannot compare then the new concept with the original. This game doesn't need to have a world as large as Fable / Fallout. This game goes only from plot A to B, but you are free to wander around to find paranormal activities, without finding new plot (this would make the game realy bad). Janine could even reach the player on radio if she receives information.
(and gain xp from)
Hey, this could be fun. lol wait, don't choke on your soda. I mean, you make packs with different power. You are free to use any of them. But the xp needed to correctly use one, the more that it is high compared to yours, the more difficult the particle stream becomes to control. This could create a new selection of packs with new particle stream; different shapes, colors for the pack, and light intensity, colors for the stream; you could then even see a “real ghostbusters” or “Extreme GB” pack on your back, without forgetting the original, even new concepts. The different technology would be found in other ghostbusters hq.
lol just for the fun of it, you could even built “civil emergency mini-pack” in some streets, just to show how frightening the univers has become in this game; yes, the pack is not a toy but you don't see alot of people running after an axe or extinguisher when they find one around them anyway. In this system, you gain xp each time you buy one microsoft windows software! ahah got you, each time you capture a ghost. And even if you don't have the xp required for a pack, you can use it… for the fun of trying to control its stream, despite it reduces the endurance faster.