Sounding good Chad, I have a few idea's that i'll put right here too. in the side bar below our names it has our hidden IP codes for the mods to look at, fancy, yeah right. What if you where to put extras in there? Like “E-mail Me at” or “Read my Fan fiction” kind of thing. Im not really sure what you could do, but it just needs something “extra” to it. other than that it sounds awsome and i cannot wait! oh about a more in depth Franchise section? I recently came accross contract forms and cool downloads for Franchises, it could have a full equipment list, ghost classification, explain what a franchise acts to be and what really is. links, well you get the picture, Im more than willing to help out on that and if you have not noticed me vince, and Ecto DJ have been discussing a GB RPG website, and several other people may be interested in it as well, make another tab? okay well yeah this all takes up a lot of server space but just some ideas from the world of Dan!