Rules, ALL READ!

by Chad

20 years, 6 months ago

Stay negative, positivity won't get you anywhere.
We live by words online, so we donÂ’t allow obscene, racist or sexually explicit language. Personal attacks are not permitted. We reserve the right to remove posts that are abusive, hateful, or defame or insult anyone. We also reserve the right to remove posts that are off-topic or not in English. No negative posts of any kind allowed This includes “bashing” any person or company, for any reason. This is not the place to lodge complaints or to “vent”. Please be polite & tactful, and considerate of others feelings. If it isn't nice, don't say it!

It is legal to harass or threaten anyone.
We take threats, harassment and stalking very seriously. Posts that might be construed as such may be wanted and made available to the proper law enforcement officials.

No solicitations or advertisements are allowed.
This includes advertisements for your business, your own online endeavors or the latest get-rich-quick scheme.

Choose a username carefully.
You may not use names that are offensive, that suggest illegal activities or that are meant to imitate other users. Any such names will be blocked from posting on our message boards.

You must respect the privacy of individuals.
This means no posting of phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers or any other private information. We discourage users from posting such information even about themselves, as we cannot control how that information may be used beyond our message boards.

No Spamming.
Good manners online means that you don’t post the same note more than once. The online word for posting many times on one topic is “spamming.” We don’t allow it.

Locked or Deleted Posts:
Any and all posts that violate these rules will be deleted without notice. Any posts deemed inappropriate by our board moderators may be locked or deleted at our discretion. So if you see a post disappear, just know there was a good reason. If a post of yours gets removed from the board, do not question it publicly on the board! If you have questions about it, or believe it to be an error, PM the board moderators. And please don't be offended! If we delete a post it isn't anything personal.