Ghostbusters.nuts: The Community Parody Comic...

by boholbrook1

21 years, 2 months ago

Funny, I shoulda been Neo though in that web comic.

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

if it is edited… i saved it for ya

by EvilToaster

21 years, 2 months ago

Aw nuts, I was looking for someone named “mad blender” or something in there… :p

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago

ROFL, PC! :-)

I'll don't think it would be edited. I see nothing wrong with it. After all, it's a parody.

BTW, do one of that n00b SPAMMER! Brandon_M! :p I've already done two, but I'd like to see your version.


Thread: It's Coming !

Brandon_M: Gee, Yellow Mustard, I believe you. You can count on me. I really want to know about “It”. Is it really that new game boy game? BTW, Mr. Paulson, can I be a Mod? I know you banned be twice already, but can I really please be a Mod? I didn't mean to flood the boards, and I know Larry Scoleri had to delete 300 posts in one day, but I'd be the best Mod you'd ever have. So can I please? Pretty, pretty, please? I'll do a great job moderating. Mr. Paulson you are just so cool. I really like you and your site. You've been like a brother to me.

DukeVaygo: Yeah, how about me too? We're both members of the Ecto Schwartz Franchise, and we'd really be great. Man, I love Subway. I'd like a Chicken Pizzola with onions, beans, and hot peppers. BTW, Chad I think you are SOOOOOOO cool. Man, I've got to go. My evil twin DukeVeego needs to use the internet.

WandCharger: oh look, more loser newbies are sucking up so they can become mods and abuse their power to no end. hey chad do you remember what happened last time you let a newbie mod? let me tell you. all chaos broke loose. w. buffalo accused me and bob melbrooks of provoking him, so we'd get banned again. then what happened? a flame war. and guess who ended up leaving? that loser w. buffalo. is a mod anymore? thankfully he isnt. he went home and cried to mommy. thats what happens when you let a newbie become a mod. even that crybaby blueteargb knows better than to do something like that, and he just re-started preschool for the 20th time.

DukeVaygo: You pothetic wannabe samurai! You better not mess with me again. If you know what's best for yourself then better cut it out, because I'm bipolar.

See that? That's Chad. And those, they're Brandon_M and me.


by ChrisSpade

21 years, 2 months ago

NOOBS (no meaness intended, just trying to make a funny name)

spoof of aliens (the scene where the marines enter into the colony)

The dropship lands just outside the Community Message Board…

The crew unloads, Commander Bob Hoaggie (Bo), Lt. Neutron Charger (Pc), Pvt. AceSpade (me), MasterVego (Vego), Captain Arachnid (master Spider) Dave Evans (dan evans) and the returning witness to the previous events, (cant think of one for Kingpin, lol). The approach the doors and swing it open. Leading themselves deep into the ruined installation.

(pc)-my god, this place is a disaster!

(bo)-what did this? What in the hell did this?

(Kingy)-I already told you, what more proof do you need?

(Dan)-This is crazy! We gotta get outta here.

(Master spider)-remember people, no flaming, these walls will explode if we arent carefull. ((haha get it? no flaming?))

Posts litter the walls of the Board. Each looking frail and weak. Ace (Chris) walks up to one… “Delete me…please…”

(me)-hold on, we'll salvage you and clean you up!

(post)-delete me…..

(kingy) Oh god, delete it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly, spam bursts out of it, sending everyone flying back, PC flames it, killing it on the spot.

(Pc)-what the hell was that???!!!

Sounds suddenly are heard around them…the wall behind (bo) moves..

Bo turns to see them coming out of the wall… “NOOBS They're coming outta the wall!!!” The Noob jumps down on him/cutting to the blank screen.

To be continued.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 2 months ago

ah. a new one

Its the crappy movie conversation game!
congoriverrapidsuglymofo212_Green: its the crappy movie conversation game. i'll take a quote from a movie and you just post one after me that doesnt belong. for those of you who dont have any idea, im just doing this to GROW MORE POST COUNT!
i'll start:

“when you got to keep on movin, you got to keep on movin.”
mistervenom: hey thats pretty cool. alright

“you cant stay here, its too dark. you cant stay here”
stVstar: “i am batman!”
wandcharger: i cant believe this is frickin happenin. this is completely blatantly spam. you peice of trash spamwhore. two mods already responded to this? ignoring the six OTHER conversation games this craptacular poster has on this very section page!
congoriverrapidsuglymofo212_Green: wc i have nothing against you and all you have done is be rude to me.i have you on my blocked aim list. you are mean.
egonnutjob: yeah! wc! mind your own damn business!
wandcharger: was that all you had to say?
congoriverrapidsuglymofo212_Green: thats right egonnutjob! WC IS MEAN!
queenpin: wc. stay on topic. this does not qualify as spam.
wandcharger: alright.. eat this.

“ive come here to do two things. kick ass and eat bubble gum. and im all out of bubble gum.”
congoriverrapidsuglymofo212_Green: thats right wc! good job.
wandcharger: god you're lame.
spynlss: wc if you dont like it here leave. I LIKE POOP! - im gone.
wandcharger: why did you edit my post? and why dont you take your own advice and take “im gone” to new heights never achieved by your poor excuse for a waste of skin?
whack: i agree wc. we are growing tired of you insulting other members. i recieve many pms about you.
wandcharger: it must be obvious day on camp stupid! of course you're getting tired! im sick and tired of this spammy spammin all over the f*ckin place…..i had to edit this for the babies so they dont CRY TO MOMMA.
egonnutjob: :Starts crying: you're a mean person wc, why dont you leave!
wandcharger: i cant believe you're friggin crying. this is a message board you small excuse for crap! god grow up! as for you whack
“are you gonna draw or whistle dixie?”

see…i got it back on topic.
WWWChewie: wc, outlaw josey wales isnt a crappy movie.
wandcharger: ah hell. i want to see if whacks whistlin dixie. because no doubt, spynlss is already on his AM RADIO STATION WITH 1 MILLION LISTENERS AND 20 IMS A DAY!

thank you! now im off to continue ruling all that is awesome. probably not too funny. i dont care. im workin on stallin from speech studying.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 2 months ago

ROFL! That was funny. It's also something that seems to happen a whole lot around here. :p

by XTremeLurker

21 years, 1 month ago

Yep, it's funny ‘cause it’s true! :-)

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 1 month ago

Hope you all like this one:

HardcoreEgonFan:“Who would pair Egon with JANINE?!?! She just wants to get in Egon's pants.”

Crazy4Egon:“Yeah, and that makes her a slut.”

Doc Nutz4Janine:“You two are starting to scare me. Is there no romance in your hearts?”

Dr. Fiddle:“Why has this become a Guys Vs. Girls battle?”

Crazy Ninja:“Bad E/J thread! Crazy Ninja will flip out and slice E/J thread!”

ReligiousNutBar:“Everyone, please stay on topic or this thread will be locked.”

Devious:“This post is TOAST!!”


See if you can figure who everyone is.

by Kingpin

21 years, 1 month ago


You guys are gonna send me to an early grave with having to make all these fake posts for GB.nuts. :-)

On the NOOBS special, you can either use me, or Darkness_Weaver/Shadow_makeR (Sigourney Weaver (^_^) )

But that's up to you, some pretty good stuff here, and I can see we're gonna have specials a plenty, your stuff is great, PC.

It's funny because it's what happened.