Ghostbusters.nuts: The Community Parody Comic...

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago


I've got a few:

Doc Fred: I'm going majorly against the grain here, but I'd much rather prefer to see Egon and Janine than to see Janine and Louis. I don't care if Ramis came up with it himself, it turned my stomach upside down. If they mess that whole thing up again, then I'll start throwing things.

J. OSWALD: Fred, I don't care whether it was in GB II or not. Even if this revival is strictly based on the first movie, if Ramis or Aykroyd wrote it, then it's canon. And I happen to know that Aykroyd is going to be involved…

EgonsMate: AMEN BROTHA!!!

WilsonFisk: Something needs to be done, our reputations as Mods are being trashed by that cry baby BlueTearGB. Now, in spite of maybe sounding childish, I provide the following impersonation of YellowTearGB:

“Waaaaa…I wanna be a MOD…waaaa…you're abusing your power!” :p


Seriously though, if he doesn't like it, he shoud either keep quite, or have a lesson made of him.

BlueTearGB: See, there you go again mocking me, you rookie mod. And what's the deal with locking all my posts? I didn't see anything wrong with them. They were just parodies, not bashes. That is so biased. What about me? And my wants and my needs? They don't even ban troublemakers like RGBSims777 or Strawberry_Milk and yet they make newbies like W. Buffalo into mods. It's obvious you're all just a bunch of rookie mods that want to abuse your power. We might as well have made RGBSims777 into a mod.

Toyfreak: Seriously dude…how much are you gonna pout before we're done hearing about it? It's not gonna change anything, and it's getting pretty annoying…

WandCharger: quit whining you baby. get over it before gb pete and i jump out and bombard you with our samurai gamma rays. don't make me go bruce campbell on you. loser. go cry to mommy if you don't like it here. either way youre still a loser, loser.

juan sinhair: I really don't feel at home at these boards anymore, and I've really grown apart from them. So I'm leaving them forever, never to return or post again. Bye.

*Two hours later he returns and keeps on posting*



ash wakman321: i is write a bigrafy called my the guy hi and it really cool and it rocks and 15 ghostbusters is cool

Mack: Brilliant post! Not! :p Would DukeVaygo like to translate it to English for us?

*Mack's Signature* Ghostbusters: The Tunes will return… never.

pneumatic_transit_station: k, i just got bakc from universal studioes orlando k i talked to the egb guys from the great frightway k, and they said the ecto1a is k, k, it just need to get fix, k and then they can repaint it, k, and i went to my colleges libary and acted out the gb libary scene, k.

ds9star: will yu tkea ovur teh wurld wiht me and Froster Rhodes? whoes in? hey, woo stole mi twinnky? it wus rite heer on my dske! ouw grate, now is gota find it.

Tell me what you guys think! :-) :p

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

Oh man! :-) wipes tear

This stuff is great, this is why there's position for more then one writer.

Hell, I think I'll have a do.

Doc. Ryddle: The Fact Shopping List's primary goal is to catalogue everything we know about the GBs, their equipment and their skills.

Evil: Ghostbusters of the UK, at your service!

AKA: Ghostbuster Props, for all your propping needs.

Yeah, but who's imagination?
Beats me.

by lordvego1

21 years, 3 months ago

haha… those rule man.. but am i so personalityless that i can't be immitated by anyone?

by roshangar

21 years, 3 months ago

Curse my lack of a name that is easy to parody!! :-@

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

DukeVaygo: haha… those rule man.. but am i so personalityless that i can't be immitated by anyone?


by Brendan_M

21 years, 3 months ago

Well if you ever need some one to write or to be a script doctor, I'd love to help out. Thanks.

by lordvego1

21 years, 3 months ago

DukeVaygo: haha… those rule man.. but am i so personalityless that i can't be immitated by anyone?


AHAHA!! i found that much funnier than i should have… duke.. *sniggers*

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago


Hey Vincenzo, I've got one for you…

Brandon_M: Gee, Yellow Mustard, I believe you. You can count on me. I really want to know about “It”. Is it really that new game boy game? BTW, Mr. Paulson, can I be a Mod? I know you banned be twice already, but can I really please be a Mod? I didn't mean to flood the boards, and I know Scoleri_Bro had to delete 300 posts in one day, but I'd be the best Mod you'd ever have. So can I please? Pretty, pretty, please? I'll do a great job moderating. Mr. Paulson you are just so cool. I really like you and your site. You've been like a brother to me.

DukeVaygo: Yeah, how about me too? We're both members of the Ecto Schwartz Franchise, and we'd really be great. Man, I love Subway. I'd like a Chicken Pizzola with onions, beans, and hot peppers. BTW, Chad I think you are SOOOOOOO cool. Man, I've got to go. My evil twin DukeVeego needs to use the internet.

WandCharger: oh look, more loser newbies are sucking up so they can become mods and abuse their power to no end. hey chad do you remember what happened last time you let a newbie mod? let me tell you. all chaos broke loose. w. buffalo accused me and Bob Melbrooks of provoking him, so we'd get banned again. then what happened? a flame war. and guess who ended up leaving? that loser w. buffalo. is a mod anymore? thankfully he isnt. he went home and cried to mommy. thats what happens when you let a newbie become a mod. even that crybaby blueteargb knows better than to do something like that, and he just re-started preschool for the 20th time.

DukeVaygo: You pothetic wannabe samurai! You better not mess with me again. If you know what's best for yourself then better cut it out, because I'm bipolar.

See that? That's Chad. And those, they're Brandon_M and me.


What do you guys think?

by lordvego1

21 years, 3 months ago

HAHAAHAHAHA! dude.. if I didn't like you, I would kill you lol good job though.. oh and you found my chick pictures how sweet… but im not like that anymore am i?…. am i?

by Xenographer42

21 years, 3 months ago

Oh, good. The Xenographer wants to say something.

Jay Holbrook: Who thinks GhostRassler should be the penciler for the new GB comics?

Damn near everybody: YES! Great idea… when can he start?

GhostRassler: Uh, guys… I don't really want…

Damn near everybody: Then it's decided!

GhostRassler: I knew this “democratic community” thing was a bad idea…