Apologies to all, it was not my intent for this strip to be thirteen days late… but I figure I'd rather release a quality strip a little late then release a sub-standard strip on time. Anyway, here it is:
Ghostbusters.nuts Issue 51: Roll Me in the CloverMy little way of referencing the recent ‘Cloverfield’/'1-18-08' buzz…
I originally started with an idea which is pretty much how the strip turned out, however instead of the Firehouse exterior it showed the guys in their beds when the lights go out… however the background was taking too long to finish so I dumped it for an alternate idea involving Stay Puft, the smoke monster from
Lost and Cthulhu (using his RGB appearance).
However, that idea fell through, I wasn't pleased with the artwork nor the way it played out so I scrapped it… and went back to this, substituting the background that was taking forever to complete with the existing shot of the Firehouse from the air.