Ghostbusters.nuts: The Community Parody Comic...

by sweet_kat221

21 years, 3 months ago

catgirl: I parodise myself

docspitz: This thread belongs in the miscellaneous section…. 3 2 1

bohop: what the hell you people talking about?

icerose: who wants a dead cat?

catgirl: wheres the washroom?

sg2a: Im Batman! Who wants to take over the world with me?

king: there is no washroom this is a message board!

cortoncharger: youre all babies!

catgirl: ooo oo i want to be catwoman!

sg2a: quick to the batmobile!

catgirl: i wanna drive ecto!

bopete: you all suck!!

king: i thought we banned you

catgirl: is chad leaving?? the world is ending!!!

cartoncharger: its just a message board stop whining babies

docspitz: im locking this thread it makes no sense


catgirl: hey it does make sense its a joke

docspitz: i thought i locked this

sg2a: come on everyone! who wants to be on the new council when i take over the world!

missgirl: me me! and i want to be parodised!

docspitz: darn hackers, now i cant lock the thread


docspitz: good it worked, no wait…

Just for a laugh:

GBCentral and the Search for the Holy Grail….

catgirl: this set is so fake,

sg2a: can I be batman?

Dellie: wheres the director

Brad: im the director lets get started did everyone memorize their scripts?

king: you gave us the script for Ghostbusters….cool are we making gb3?

missgirl: what do i get to be?

Brad: wrong script guess we will just have to wing it

catgirl: im warning you i have stage fright….

cartoncharger: dont be a baby

God: (appears in the banner above them)

Brad: i havent cued effects yet whats going on?

God: it is me….

catgirl: me who?

God: its God

Brad: whos playing with the effects?

God: oh stop that i hate non believers. Now i came to gbcentral to send you on a quest,

sg2a: yes! we get to take over the world!

God: no not exactly, thats youre after life, i want you all to search the internet for the Holy Grail then go to

icerose: this is messed up

docfritz: darn hackers making us think thats really god….


God: good luck on youre quest, non believers can leave now! (all stare at brad)

Brad: its a banner for crying out loud,

God: and you all win a trip to Canada!

Jay: what if you already live in canada

God: then too bad for you (disappears)

catgirl: forget this whats the point?

icerose: some hacker messing with our heads, like we are really going to race to find the Holy Grail

missgirl: isnt this a movie already


docfritz: lets get some proton packs and start looking!

End of Part One Part two coming next year!!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

That was so funny I forgot to laugh! :p :-)

I want to see ProtonCharger come in here and do some parodies of members. His are funny…

by Xenographer42

21 years, 3 months ago

Blast. I may have to lower the anti-parody field temporarily. NOW see what you've all done.

by sweet_kat221

21 years, 3 months ago

“”That was so funny I forgot to laugh!“”

Guess Im not good at this stuff. Forget I posted it Did I break a rule or something?


by mellie1

21 years, 3 months ago

well, I thought it was funny :p

a trip to Canada…lmao…poor Jay…lol

by sweet_kat221

21 years, 3 months ago

Lol sorry I live in Canada I thought it be funny cus lot of people find Canada boring.


by mellie1

21 years, 3 months ago

well so do we..and a good number of other members on here too…maybe we just have a different sense of humour or something??…lol :p

by jay_tigran1

21 years, 3 months ago

Did I win the trip to Canada yet??? :-)

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 3 months ago

Yes you did! Congratulations. And for playing the almighty's little game, you also receive a free year's supply of Molson's Canadian beer. :-)

by jay_tigran1

21 years, 3 months ago

Can I exchange the molsen for Labbat Blue???