Ghostbusters:TVG didn't crack the top 10 (June NPD results)

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 7 months ago

The 360 version placed 11th with over 190k, but the rest of the platforms? OUCH. The Wii, PS3, and PS2 versions are going to drop BIG TIME for July's NPD. I could go either way about the 360 version, but I have a feeling it'll drop too.

Does anyone know how much the game cost across all platforms?

by Lord_Kane

15 years, 7 months ago

The 360 version placed 11th with over 190k, but the rest of the platforms? OUCH. The Wii, PS3, and PS2 versions are going to drop BIG TIME for July's NPD. I could go either way about the 360 version, but I have a feeling it'll drop too.

Does anyone know how much the game cost across all platforms?

The cost was most likely the same for the Xbox 360/PC and PS3 version as Terminal Reality handled the development for those platforms

Red Fly handled the Wii version.
Someone else ported the Wii version to the PS2

and Zen Studios did the DS Version

Ghostbusters on the next gen platforms really didnt sell that bad for North America at least, and there is still the 360 and other platform launch in the EU territory before we start making a judgment of whether or not it bombed.

by Ecto-1uk

15 years, 7 months ago

Lets hope the 360 and pc EU release is more advertised than the ps3 release as i saw no tv ads heard no radio ads and only saw a few select posters in indy game stores /faceplam

I mean unless you already this game was comming out youd be hard pressed to find any ads cant speak for all of the eu only uk but i was disgusted how little they tried to sell this game over here.

Another problem is that most fans like us on this board didnt wait and imported the 360 and pc versions so i really wouldnt expect massive sales here shame to for such a good game

by winston18

15 years, 7 months ago

There's something I don't get about these numbers if Ghostbusters on the 360 sold 240,000 units why isn't it on the top 10 list? It should be between the two Fight Night games, can anyone explain this?

*Nevermind that was hardware sales forget I asked*